本研究採用便利抽樣法以一般消費大眾為問卷發放對象,並採紙本問卷發放,扣除無效問卷後,經由SPSS統計軟體進行分析驗證。研究結果顯示:(一)計畫行為理論對消費者購買商品使用第三方支付的意願有正向的顯著影響(二) 知覺價值對消費者購買商品使用第三方支付的意願有正向的顯著影響,這些結論可供網站經營者相關的管理與建議。
Amongst the latest network applications, the popularity of Internet, the group buy-ing and Internet community forming have changed how people consume. The uncer-tainty associated with online commerce, in comparison to that with the traditional one, remains high due to the information security concerns, hacker attacks, and unknown in-formation on the vendors. This, in turn, promotes public awareness on network envi-ronment security as a whole. The most critical uncertainty is complaints. This paper fo-cused on the consumer behaviors to gain detail understanding on the acceptance of var-ious online payment methods.
The general public consumer paper questionnaires were issued, and used a conven-ience sampling method. After deduct of ineffective questionnaires, The results are as follows: (1). Theory of planned behavior has a positive impact on customers who use willingness of third parties while purchasing.(2). Perceived value has positive impact on customers who use willingness of third parties while purchasing, it’s findings and con-clusions shall be deemed useful to web store managers and e-commerce management.