摘要: | 近年來,為因應全球氣候變遷,節能、減廢已經是世界各國主要推廣的環保概念,智慧綠建築是以綠建築為基礎,導入智慧化設施,使建築物更安全健康、節能減碳又環保。然而,在導入智慧綠建築設計的過程中,集合住宅申請綠建築及智慧建築標章,依其等級所相對增加的營建成本分別約為1.8~2.8%及2.5~7.5%。因此,業主規劃成本的預算將影響集合住宅導入智慧綠建築設計的程度與功能。
本研究運用特徵價格理論(Hedonic Price Theory) 探討集合住宅導入智慧綠建築設計對房價之影響,特徵價格理論是消費者與生產者分別追求效用、利潤最大化的過程中,消費者對增加每一單位屬性的需求而所願意支付的額外費用,而這費用即是該屬性的特徵價格。本文將智慧綠建築視為一項特徵變數,配合實證樣本特徵變數建立迴歸模型,進而探討智慧綠建築成本與效益之關聯性。
Recently, due to the global climate changes, energy saving and waste reduction has become major environmental concepts that states keen to promote. In the field of architecture, Intelligent Green Building is seen as a drive towards energy saving and waste reduction. Intelligent Green Building is based on an introduction of intelligent services to green building designs. It is to make buildings saver, healthier, saving more energy, reducing more carbon waste than traditional buildings. However, in the process of introducing Intelligent Green Building designs, constructors have to apply green building and intelligent building certificates. In order to gain these certificates, the costs of construction works will increase 1.8~2.8% for green building design and 2.5~7.5% for intelligent building design according to requirements of different levels of certificates compare to traditional buildings. As a consequence, constructors’ budgets will determine the functions and achievements of Intelligent Green Building designs.
This research intends to discuss the impact on housing price from Intelligent Green Building designs through the Hedonic Price Theory. It seeks to understand the complexity of the relationship in which consumers seek the maximum benefits and producers seek the maximum profits. It intends to find out consumers’ “willing-to-pay” in terms of additional costs for each additional function, which is the hedonic price of such factor. As a consequence, this research makes Intelligent Green Building as characteristic variables, in accompanied with empirical characteristic variables, to establish a regression model to discuss the relationship between construction costs and sale profits of Intelligent Green Building.
This research begins with literature reviews to selectively choose variable factors, and uses statistical software, i.e. SPSS, to organize and analyze data in order to establish Housing Hedonic Price model. Following by describing and interpreting sampling data through descriptive statistics means, it detects the extent to which there is Collinearity between variables by testing correlation coefficient and VIF value. Therefore, regression model is applied to analyze data and testing the level of significance through R2 test. Finally, reviewing analyzed outcomes, this research is able to point out the level of effects on housing price from Intelligent Green Building designs.
The outcome of this research proves that Intelligent Green Building designs have significant impact on housing price, that is to say, Intelligent Green Building is able to raise housing price. The figures show that housing buildings with Intelligent Green Building design are more expensive than traditional housing buildings, that is, New Taiwanese Dollars 7,471 per square meter(24,700元/坪)and New Taiwanese Dollars 0.99 million per housing unit.
Keywords: Green Building, Intelligent Building, Hedonic Price Method |