台灣位於亞熱帶季風區,年平均雨量超過2500 mm ,而台灣河川短又陡急,因此地勢低平的沿海平原地區經常遭受水患的襲擊,且台灣人口密集的區域多半在西部平原地區,若發生水災將造成重大損失。近年來由於全球氣候變遷,以及自然環境的過度開發,台灣將可能會面臨過去前所未見的災害。水災可能造成許多鄉鎮因為交通中斷而形成孤立無援的狀況,經常需使用直升機將物資送入災區,在平原區甚至需要裝甲車與橡皮艇才能夠進入災區,大大增加救援的難度。
Taiwan is located in subtropical monsoon zone. The average annual rainfall is over 2500 mm. Rivers are short and steep. Low-lying coastal plains are frequently attacked by flood. Western plains of Taiwan is the most densely populated areas. Flooding will cause significant losses. In recent years, due to global climate change and over-exploitation of the natural environment, Taiwan will face unprecedented disasters in the future. Floods may cause traffic disruption in many areas. Often a helicopter is used to supply needs into disaster areas. Some areas military vehicles and boats are used to enter disaster areas, increasing the difficulty of rescue.
This study hopes to establish a safe and free from flood-affected supply warehouse, and decide where is the ideal location of this warehouse building.
Firstly, the past literature is reviewed on disaster prevention and construction of public works. Secondly, construction specifications of materials warehouse are determined along with a flood disaster risk assessment. In this study, Linbian and Jiadong coastal towns of Pingtung are used as the study areas. These areas are severe land subsidence area with frequent flood. Based on the assessment results, the appropriate prevention emergence warehouse location is selected to improve the region's ability to protect themselves when faced with floods.