Corporate social responsibility under the stakeholders' expectations, has gradu-ally become essential responsibilities. With the advent of the knowledge era, em-ployee care has a growing concern. Based on past experience, the company’s manager execute employee care are not necessarily meet the needs of the majority of em-ployees. This study exploring employee care by employee’s perspective.
This study is based on interviews with employees of the object, using the ques-tionnaire survey In this study, DEMATAL construct between the employee care the degree of interaction with the dimensions of a network diagram, and using ANP analysis weights. Finally, using VIKOR to calculated as employee care level of sat-isfaction with the performance. The results of this study showed that the implemen-tation of priority to improve employee care is “Provide equal employment oppor-tunity” then “Industrial relations and wellbeing” and “Employee’s responsibility for education and training” and “Occupational health and safety”. Overall performance with an average of 6.493 (desired level of 10), the total average gap of 0.3508 (the maximum gap of 1). It shows that there is still have to improve for employee care of corporate social responsibility.