臺灣曾為世界製鞋業最大之供應商。自世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,簡稱WTO )成立後,由於各國之市場逐漸開放,中國廠商以低於正常價格之方式,出口鞋類製品至我國,導致我國之製鞋產業遭受到損害。
本研究利用美國國際貿易委員會(United States International Trade Commission,簡稱USITC)之商業政策分析系統(commercial policy analysis system,簡稱COMPAS模型),衡量中國傾銷特定鞋靴對我國之影響。
Taiwan was the world's largest footwear supplier (World trade organization, WTO) has long called for trade liberalization since 1995. Owing to this, Chinese shoe industry exports their products to Taiwan. below the fair value. That is to say, the Chinese shoe industry engage in dumping when serving Taiwan market.
In this research we employ commercial policy analysis system (COMPAS) pro-vided by United States International Trade Commission (USITC) to investigate the effect of the dumping behavior of Chinese shoe industry on Taiwan market.
It is found that the price dumping of Chinese shoe industry case Taiwan shoe reduced 3.1%, quantity reduces 3.5%, and the profit of Taiwanese shoe industry re-duces 4.5% . The price of the dumping reduces 10.6%, the quantity of dumping products increases 6.6%, the profit of Chinese shoe industry reduces 3.6%. The non-dumping import price reduces 2%, quantity reduces 1.85%, and the profits re-duce 3.6%. We also take F-test and two factors ANOVA to examine our result. It been shown that he quantity and price are significantly affected by the dumping be-havior of Chinese shoe industry.