本研究之審計品質包括專業性及獨立性構面,分別以產業專家、會計師任期、事務所規模大小及審計公費四種指標作為解釋變數,研究樣本為2008年至2012年之上市櫃公司,採用敘述性統計、相關係數與Logistic 迴歸等統計方法進行實證分析。
The aim of this study is to examine whether the authority will use the stock repur-chase earning management rather than the accrual basis earnings management to meet or exceed the analysts predict earning targets for the Taiwan’s cabinet on companies listed under high audit quality.
In this study, the audit quality was composed of two dimensions of professionalism and independence, four indexes were selected as explanatory variables, including indus-try specialists, accountants tenure, firm size and audit fee. Statistic approaches of de-scriptive statistics, correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis were applied to carry out the empirical analysis based on the data between 2008 and 2012.
The results showed that at in industry specialists the company prefers to use the stock repurchase earnings management than using the accrual basis of earnings man-agement to meet or exceed analyst predict earning targets; in long-term accountants the company prefers to use the accrual basis of earnings management than using the stock repurchase earnings management to meet or exceed analyst predict earning targets;
In cpas firm size and high audit fee the company prefers to use the stock repurchase earnings management than using the accrual basis of earnings management to meet or exceed analyst predict earning targets no significant relationship but consistent with the expected direction.