摘要: | 數位學習將持續是未來人力資源發展重要趨勢之一。對企業而言,數位學習不但是一種快速又有效率的學習方法,可將企業欲傳遞給員工的資訊在最短的時間內傳播,散佈各地區的學習者,大大縮短學習者的學習時間。落實數位學習的運作,則需先瞭解企業員工是否有透過運用數位學習得到學習的效果,因此以自我調節學習為中介變項,探討企業員工在自行完成數位學習的過程中,以自我調節學習是否可以得到更好的學習成果,為本研究主要之目的。
為瞭解數位學習對於企業運作及員工學習成效提升是否具有顯著影響,根據文獻探討設計問卷,問卷經由信度、效度檢驗後進行正式發送,回收有效樣本數200份,再以SPSS 統計套裝軟體進行分析,分析包含信效度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析。結果發現:
E-learning will continue to be one of the most important trends in human resource development in the future. For companies, E-learning is not only a fast and efficient way to learn, but also a way that allows enterprises to deliver information to employees and distribute learners in different regions in a shortest time, which significantly reduce learners' learning time. The purpose of this study was to understand whether employees gained knowledge through the use of E-learning before starting the implementation of E-learning. Making self-regulated learning as intervening variable, the study tried to explore whether enterprise employees can achieve better learning outcomes through the process of E-learning in self-regulated learning.
In order to find out whether E-learning is helpful for the operations of enterprises and employees’ learning effectiveness, in conjunction with literature review designing a questionnaire, which verified by reliability and validity test, these questionnaires were distributed and returned 200 valid samples. After analysis by the SPSS statistical software packages, validity, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation and multiple regression analysis, the study found:
1.In terms of self-efficacy during the E-learning process among employees, male has higher level of efficacy; for employees aged fewer than 30, they have higher levels of self-efficacy on accomplishment attitude; for staffs in position of information-related, they have higher level of self-efficacy on accomplishment attitude and self-efficacy on the Internet.
2.The E-learning outcomes varied among employees with different sex, level of education, and work nature; in self-regulated learning E-learning level, the perceptual level of employees in business class was higher than the employs in administrative positions.
3.In terms of effectiveness level during the E-learning process among employees, male has better learning effectiveness; in terms of education background, employees with University degree feel stronger usefulness of learning than master degree; in term of learning effectiveness, learning usefulness and learning correctness, employees in business positions have better performance.
4.Among the E-learning process for employees, it was found that the higher self-efficacy, the better self-regulated learning and e-learning effectiveness.
5.It was significantly helpful for self-efficacy and learning effectiveness when employees conduct E-learning through self-regulated learning.
Based on these findings, related recommendations were put forward for enterprises and its employees to guide their E-learning. |