摘要: | 本研究主要以臺北市兒少自閉症照顧者針對政府部門提供身心障礙者的各項服務,探討其實際使用情形,並以就讀臺北市高中以下各級公立學校之自閉症者照顧者為抽樣母體,以郵寄問卷之方式進行調查,共發出800份問卷,回收276份問卷,回收率為35%,有效問卷191份,有效回答率為69%,並以平均數、標準差與百分比、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關等統計方法進行分析,結果獲致下列結論:
In this study, we explore the status of using the services provided by the city government of Taipei for children and youth with autism through a questionnaire survey. This survey was processed by mailing 800 questionnaires with 276 responses to primary care givers for autistic students in high or elementary public schools. The response rate is 35%. The number of vailed responses is 191, reflecting an effective response rate of 69%. We analyze the questionnaires based on mean, standard deviation, percentage, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. This analysis leads to the following conclusion.
I.Overview of children and youth with autism and their families in Taipei.
1.Most of the autistic children and youth for this the study are male with ages between six and twelve.
2.Most of primary care givers for this study are 30-50 year-old mothers with an education level of or higher than college. About 70% of the givers come from nuclear families while 43% of the respondents have to be full-time mothers. Family income is between 50,001 and 100,000 NT dollars. Most of the givers do not have particular faith.
II.The needs to the autistic children and youth under different background variability.
1.The top priority on the requirements for the givers in this study is welfare, followed by transportation, employment, education, early intervention, other handicapped identification and needs assessment, recreation, right protection, and residential services.
2.There is no significant difference on welfare requirement to the receiver’s autistic children with different sex. The children with age less than 6 need significantly more requirement than those with ages between 6 and 12 who needs more requirement than those with ages of 12-15 and 15-18; The group with age of 12-15 needs significantly more requirement than that with ages of 6-12 and 15-18.
3.The receivers of children and youth with autism have minor difference to the needs of welfare; and the needs from mother are significant higher than fathers.
III.The status for the care givers uses the welfare and the reason why givers with different background don’t use the welfare.
1.The percentage of the usage of the respondents is welfare, followed by transportation, employment, education, early intervention, other handicapped identification and needs assessment, recreation, right protection, and residential services.
2.The reason why those respondents don’t use the welfare is NO NEED.
IV.There are signification difference of the need of welfare and the usage to autism care givers.
V.The welfare service that the Taipei city offers to the hadicated people, the feel of respondents of the Children and Youth with Autism is more significant than the feel to use the welfare.
VI.The relationship of need and how to use the welfare of the care givers of Children and Youth with Autism
VII.The research find the condition of need and welfare use is middle connection.
I.Suggestion to government
1.Suggestion government gather the need of autism and the care givers and design the welfare they really need.
2.The government should announce the welfare publicly that those really needed people can understand and use it.
3.Provide more service to the serious autism
4.Design more physical, job plan, and carrier training, prepare the future possibility to take the job of those autism who have the ability to take a job.
5.Provide the professional train of the service givers and give the allowance.
II.The suggestion to the service givers
1.Gather the resource automatically.
2.Plan the future for the children as early as better. |