This research, “The Pay Structure and Motivation System for Owner and Top Management Team in the Taiwan Furniture Retail Company: The Dilemma of Retained Earnings or Annual Bonus”, is aimed to analyse the objects those who are the CEO, COO, CFO, CAO and CSO of CREATIVE GROUP to initialize the GROUP’s first 5-year plan. For impetusing the Group’s first 5-year plan from 2014 to 2018-“The Plan to Establish Corporate Governace and Benchmark Company of CREATIVE GROUP”, the first task is to integrate all the subsidiaries into a conglomerate, to optimalize each subsidiary resource and to enlarge the conglomerate’s competitive advantage, and to ensure that the earning of each subsidiary retained (in regard to return on equity and further development) and that professional managers get annual bonus (in regard to motivation and recruitment). Secondly, in according with the 2-3 years averages values of revernues, costs, gross profits, management expenses and net profit ratios of all subsidiaries, and the conglomerate’s advance and forthcoming expenditure, this research proposes the coming 5-year optimum model for caculating management fees of CREATIVE GROUP which is adoted formly from Jan.2014.