This study explores the relationship among firm well-being, leadership style, and turnover in order to understand the impacts of firm well-being and leadership style on turnover intention. Firm well-being consists of life satisfaction, health ,work achieve-ments and relationships. Leadership style is composed of task-based and relationship orientation.
The sample, who is collected by convenient sampling, is the employees of high-tact firms in Taiwan; most of them is from IC and semi-conduct companies. In this study, 220 questionnaires were distributed and 196 valid samples are retrieved with 89.0% of valid responded rate to examine model.
The descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and regression analysis are conducted by SPSS 12.0 software. The results the following conclusions:
Result one: Enterprise happiness on turnover tend to have significantly higher nega-tive correlation.
Result two: Conclusion II: The care of the higher leadership style on turnover in-tention has a significant negative correlation.
Result three: The task of leadership style on turnover intention no significant corre-lation.