摘要: | 隨著台灣地區近年來對環境保護與生態保育議題的重視,生態工法開始被運用在國家公園、林務局、風景區及縣市政府之河川治理、水土保持與道路工程等相關工程,其中在登山步道之規劃設計與工程進行,亦強調生態工法之考量與應用。
In recent years the environmental protection and ecological restoration have been emphasized in Taiwan. The ecological engineering techniques were applied to deal with river and stream management, water and land conservation, and highway construction by the National Parks of CPA, Forestry Bureau, recreation authorities, and city/county governments as well. The ecological engineering concept was also considered in the trail design and construction.
This study reviews the ecological engineering techniques for trail construction including clearing, reroute, pavement, drainage, retaining wall and planting those are documented by the Forestry Bureau in Taiwan and US and other published references. This study also analyzed, through field survey, the trail construction that used ecological engineering promoted by the Forestry Bureau, Taiwan. This study used the Nengao cross-ridge historic trail as an example to discuss the application of ecological engineering in the trail construction.
The results from this study suggest that the ecological engineering can be better defined as “the engineering with the consideration of ecology and improved technics to ensure its constructions with safe usage and to maintain equilibrium with ecology applied in the environment for human usage”. From reviewing the appropriateness of applying the ecological engineering to national trails, the experience of the constructions of the Nengao trail, the advantage and disadvantages of using a turnkey project, and administration mechanism, this study makes suggestions on how to apply the ecological engineering to national trails locally, and to enhance exchanging the construction experience. In the future work, more study should be conducted to review and discuss reasonable budget for trail constructions in high mountain areas and conducting long-term survey on the effect of the ecological engineering on environment. |