The participation motivation mainly because the rugby playground in taiwan have not improved these years. However, there are still lots of people love to play rugby. This research investigate the relationship about rugby players’s participation motivation and the satisfation of the enviorment of the rugby playground.The research method is to take the rugby player as a subjects. The questionnaire is random paper questionnaires. This research investigates the individual rugby players who play on weekends Got 188 valid questionnaire. Set the participation motivation and the satisfation of the enviorment apart and divid into four factors. V iew the respondents’s basic informations, therefore, analyse the different respondents’s participation motivation and the satisfation of the enviorments of the rugby playground. The research result discover the respondents’s participation motivation associate with the physical fitness and the enviorment of the playground has low impact on the respondents.All the respondents are not satisfy with the enviorment of the rugby playground in taiwan. The association with the satisfation of the enviorment and the participation motivation realize that these two factors influence each other. The situation of the playground enviorment has influenced on the players’s participation motivation. The players playing in a nice playground can not only reduce the chance of injury but also improve the athletic performance. Otherwise, it also increase the participation motivation.