摘要: | 本文探討高雄地區在工業化過程中,因工業區位條件不同,形成產業轉型及人口遷移在空間上的分佈,以數值分析,如:產業轉移分享分析(shift and share analysis)、並以威廉森指標(Williamson index)分析區域間所得差異及區位商數(location quotient)、商業機能強度分析(C.B.D ratio analysis)、成長中心理論(growth center theory)、區域成長理論、相對成長率(relative growth rate)與經濟發展指標,如:分析產業對總體產值增長的貢獻與計算出工業部門的就業吸收能力,探討工業化在區域發展中扮演的角色與產業轉變的情形。研究中發現,扮演區域發展都市核心區(urban core)的高雄港市是高雄地區區域發展動力的成長引擎(engine of growth),工業化過程中,會因核心都市的傳布效應(Spread effect),擴張區域經濟成長效應:隨核心都市高雄市的薪資水準向外擴散,越集中核心區的地帶薪資所得密集度高,透過威廉森指標分析,個別指數多低於0.16顯示呈現收斂狀態,區域發展呈「成熟穩定階段」。區位商數的變化,顯示區域的產業結構有所改變。產業轉型過程中發現:勞力密集產業外移時期技術密集產業的每廠生產規模持續擴大。經分析發現高雄地區製造業面對國際競爭產業轉型為高附加價值性之產業,尤其以高雄港為發展核心的營運更是高雄地區工業化與都市化發展的源頭。高雄地區發展因經濟全球化下產業結構的轉變與衝擊,由勞力密集產業(labor-intensive industries)轉型為資本及技術密集產業(capital or technology industrial)的產業策略。傳統產業採取防禦型對外直接投資(defensive foreign direct investment),政策上應提昇高雄地區產業進入產業知識經濟時代,是高雄地區後工業化發展策略主要方向。
In the following essay, it mentions that, because of the different conditions in the industrial position, the Kaohsiung area has formed a spatial distribution of industrial transition and the migration of population, such as, shift and share analysis, differences of incomes among areas and location quotient analyzed with Williamson Index, C.B.D ratio analysis, growth center theory, theory of extending areas, relative growth rate and index of economical development. For example, we can analyze how the industries have contributed to the rise of the total production, estimating the maximum of the employees in the industrial department and discussing about what role industrialization is playing in the development of areas and how the industrial is changing. According to studies, Kaohsiung City and its port, which has been the urban core of area-developing, are the engines of growth for developing the Kaohsiung area. In the process of industrialization, the Spread effect in the core city will increase the effect on the growth of area economics: it will spread outward along with the level of incomes in the core city, the Kaohsiung city, and the closer to the core the part is, the higher the density of incomes will become. Analyzed with Williamson Index, separated indexes are mostly below 0.16 and present the state of restraint. The development of area turns into the mature and stable stage. The changing of location quotient shows the changing of the industrial structure in the area. In the process of the industrial transformation, in the period of the migration of labor-intensive industries, the industries of technology-intensive keep on expending their producing scale. Through analyzing, the manufacture in Kaohsiung, facing the industries which view the transformation of internationally competitive industries as highly additional value, and especially operate as the developing core of the Kaohsiung port, is even the origin of the industrialization in the Kaohsiung area and urban development. Because of the impact on the transformation of the industrial structure under the global economization, the development in the Kaohsiung area during the post-industrialization period has the industrial policy that has transformed from labor-intensive industries into the capital or technology –intensive industries. The traditional industries adopt defensive foreign direct investment. In policy, encouraging the industries in the Kaohsiung area to enter an economical era of the industrial knowledge will be the main and important issue for the development policy of post-industrialization in the Kaohsiung area. |