Web 2.0 開啟豐富的消費者產出內容與社群媒體的崛起,造成使用者行為的改變,改寫傳統行銷者與消費者溝通方式。在觀光旅遊領域則因分享旅遊經驗平台的出現,落實使用者產出內容精神,並鼓勵使用者養成分享旅遊經驗的習慣。本研究透過問卷調查法,比較不同使用者透過 Facebook Fan Page與 TripAdvisor 實踐旅遊經驗分享動機後,是否皆能得到滿足,進而產生有效的網路平台滿意度與知覺價值,最終達成網路平台忠誠度。建議此發現可提供旅遊經驗分享主題社群媒體之研究與經營參考。
Web 2.0 brings out the raise of consumer-generated content and social media era, eventually leads to the change of consumer behavior. Multiple role play is one significant trait of social media character, and it rewrites the way how traditional marketers communicate with consumers. In tourism territory, the emerge of travel experience sharing platform fulfill the sprit of consumer-generated content, also encourage consumer’s travel experience sharing motives and travel product review habit. The study uses questionnaire method to further investigate the relationship status between user’s perceived value, e-satisfaction, and e-loyalty after users practice travel experience sharing via different social media marketing platforms, and the comparison of their travel product marketing function.