摘要: | 駕駛執照取得,依據道路交通安全規則第50條,屬於行政法學上之許可,許可之法律性質,若依釋字第689、535號解釋,駕駛汽車乃人民於道路上自由來去之自由,亦可認為屬於一般行為自由。而受憲法第22條之保障之一般行為自由,並非完全不受限制,立法者依據第23條規定,於合乎比例原則之條件下,仍得加以限制 。
The driver's license is issued in pursuant to provision 50 of the Highway Traffic Safety Regulation. Its nature is the equivalent to a permission according to the administrative law. According to the legal interpretation of No. 689 and 535, a citizen has the freedom to drive a motor vehicle, such freedom is likened to the general behavior freedom protected by Article 22 of the Constitution. However, such freedom is not without restrictions. According to Article 23, such freedom is subject to certain restrictions under certain conditions.
The issuance of a driver's license depends on the capability of an individual to drive. The driving capability involves a driver's capability to control a motor vehicle, including his/her understanding of theory of operation, operating skills, and other capabilities such as good eyesight, physical conditions, as well as the understanding of traffic safety rules. The government must not issue driver's licenses to those individuals who do not have driving capability. The driver's license management system is the regulation through which the government regulates the behavior of drivers. After a driver passed the examinations required to get a license, his/her physical conditions may change, and traffic rules may be updated.Over time,the reflex of a driver may degrade. Sometimes a driver who lacks the driver's code of conduct may have too many traffic violations. Is it still safe for this driver to drive? Will he/she become a threat to public safety? These concerns prompt the enactment of the periodic driver's license renewal regulation.
This article examines the periodic driver's license renewal regulation which went into effect in 2013. The article also examines the following issues: drivers who drive in this country with the driver's license of a foreign country or an internationl driver's license; issues concerning suspension of the driver's license and related court judgements. Most of the punishment or penalty clauses of this nation's traffic regulations are filled with "arbitrary authorization" such as "the detailed implementation rules are determined by [xxx agency]" or "This regulation is under the jurisdiction of [xxx agency]". Because such authorization is vague or beyond the scope which is authorizable, such authorization is against the spirit of the law. The regulation governing the issuance of driver's license in China was enacted in 2003. It was based on similar regulations in many foreign countries, and was considered relatively more updated.This article compares this nation's driver's license management system with that of China in the following aspects: their relative position in the legal hierarchy, the driver license examination systems, renewal systems, certification systems, the point calculating system, and driver's license suspension systems. The study is conducted to provide a viable path and reference for this country to upgrade its traffic laws in the future. |