摘要: | 在我國,對於刑事補償的相關制度與領域較少人會去關注,但其實這牽涉到憲法所賦予人民的基本權,亦即國家不得任意侵害到人民的權益,甚至在必要的情況下還必須主動加以保護。我國因為過去特殊的戒嚴政治環境,對於人民無辜受羈押或因為後續司法制度的不精緻使得人民入罪服刑,造成個人基本權利的嚴重侵害。除此之外,在解嚴後到我國建國的第一百個年頭為止,這中間的二十年左右,雖然我國法制品質上有大幅提升,但似乎仍嫌不足。至於聲請司法院大法官釋字第670號解釋的當事人亦勇於挑戰刑事補償之議題,而大法官們也趁此機會藉此重新定位關於刑事補償之性質,將其從國家賠償變質為行政損失補償。更重要地是,在大法官解釋的要求下,必須對過去的冤獄賠償法制運作作全盤檢討。故而,立法委員們在建國百年的當下做了修法的動作,將冤獄賠償法更改法律名稱為「刑事補償法」,並且做出相關條文的修正。但是,仍有疑問的是,究竟有沒有不足的地方必須加以檢視?對於人民基本權利的保障,國家是否真的做足了?是不是還有值得探究的地方,必須要作修正?將此部法律規定的更加完備及更加細緻,因此成為引起本文所要探究與論述的背後原因。本文在第一章之後;第二章則介紹憲法基本權利內涵的背後理論,進而帶出何謂國家責任之意義;第三章則是對於刑事補償法做一個定性,並確定其在未來該如何運作;第四章則是對於修法過後對刑事補償法做介紹,並綜合我國其它相類似的法律與外國法做些許的比較,探究有無可以參考來作為借鏡,並且嘗試找出新法縱使通過後仍可能存在的問題點,提出可相互援引的相關原理原則並提出本文認為可行的解決方法;最後第五章則為結論與未來展望,希冀能引起共鳴。
In ROC(Taiwan), the system areas of Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Execution is fewer people to pay attention, but in fact this involves fundamental rights conferred by the Constitution of the people, that the State shall not infringe any of the rights of the people, but also be necessary protected them. Because of the special political environment for the people in custody or innocent because subsequent judicial system so that the people are not sophisticated incriminating sentence, resulting in serious violation of the fundamental rights of the individual. In addition, after the lifting of martial law in the founding of our country until the first hundred years, although there are significantly enhance the quality of our legal system, but it seems that is still not enough. The justices also like to take this opportunity to reposition on the nature of the compensation for wrongful detentions and execution, which was bad for the administration of state compensation from the loss of compensation. Therefore, lawmakers in Centennial action the moment to do the repair method, the miscarriage of justice compensation law to change the legal name of " Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Execution ", and to make amendments to the relevant provisions. However, there is still doubt that whether there is shortage of places must be viewed? For the protection of the fundamental rights of the people, the country really do enough? Is there any place worth exploring, must be corrected? More completed and more detailed this portion of the law, thus becoming the cause behind this paper has to explore and discuss. In this paper, after the first chapter; the second chapter describes the theory behind the meaning of basic constitutional rights, and thus bring out the meaning of what the responsibility of state; the third chapter is to make a qualitative in law of Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Execution, and to determine how to operate it in the future; the fourth chapter is to amend the law of Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Execution to do presentations and comprehensive laws of other similar compared with foreign law; finally, the fifth chapter is the conclusion and future prospects, hoping to resonate. |