摘要: | 近幾年已開發出新的製作方式來生產百頁豆腐;主要是以大豆蛋白粉、修飾澱粉,加上調味料,經高速攪拌均勻後,蒸煮後成型。本研究探討百頁豆腐最適化之加工條件。首先進行市售百頁豆腐品質之比較,以作為最適化條件之標準,接著探討添加不同種類磷酸鹽(六偏磷酸鈉、保力能F、三聚磷酸鈉)對百頁豆腐品質之影響。最後,利用反應曲面法,探討水量(241~343ml)、油量(31~113ml)與修飾澱粉含量(10~52g)對百頁豆腐之影響,藉此獲得最適加工條件。
1.百頁豆腐質地較軟時,接受度較大。根據感官品評結果對照質地分析結果得到接受程度較高之範圍為: 硬度201.1~495.3(g);脆性299.5~478.3;附著性-1216.6~-398.1(g/sec);彈性0.97~1.01;內聚性0.43~0.56;膠質性87.02~250.88;咀嚼性85.88~251.0(g);回復力0.03~0.05(g)。
The new way of making paiyen tofu is using soy protein, modified starch, and seasonings as ingredient. And through high-speed mixing and steaming, the final product was obtained. The research investigates optimization of processing conditions of paiyen tofu. First, comparing the quality of commercial paiyen tofus. Second, finding the effect of different phosphates (sodium hexametaphosphate, poryrin F, sodium tripolyphosphate)was added to paiyen tofu. Finally, using response surface methodology for paiyen tofu to find out the effect at water content (241 ~ 343ml), oil content (31 ~ 113ml) and modified starch content (10 ~ 52g), then obtain the optimization of processing conditions.
The results show as below :
(1) The soft texture of paiyen tofu which has high acceptability .According to the result of sensory analysis and texture, it demonstrated the range high acceptability: hardness 201.1~495.3(g); fracturability 299.5~478.3; adhesiveness -1216.6~-398.1(g/sec); springiness 0.97 to 1.01; cohesiveness 0.43~ 0.56; gumminess 87.02~250.88; chewiness 85.88~251.0(g); resilience 0.03 ~ 0.05 (g).
(2) Different phosphates added effect viscosity of paiyen tofu paste, pH, and texture of product. In alkaline, viscosity of paiyen tofu paste become sticky and the product texture become harder. The texture of paiyen tofu hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness was rise after frezzing. springiness and resilience was decline. Added Sodium hexametaphosphate had soft texture.
(3) The response surface of before freezing showed that: while adding more water and oil, the number of paiyen tofu paste’s viscosity, and hardness and cohesiveness of product were smaller. Then more modified starch added made the adhesiveness rise. The response surface of after freezing demonstrated that the more water, oil and less modified starch made the hardness, gumminess and chewiness rise. However, the more water, less oil and fewer modified starch, the cohesiveness showed decreasing. And added more oil and modified starch, syneresis rate will increase.
(4) In the range: hardness <400g, syneresis rate <0.1%, chewiness <250g, can obtain the optimum process conditions of paiyen tofu was: water content at 292ml (X1 = 0), oil content at 72 ~ 92.5ml (X2 = 0 ~ 1), modified starch content at 26 ~ 36g (X3 = -0.5 ~ 0.5). |