摘要: | 本研究利用最適刺激水準來區隔冒險旅客,區隔後利用社會人口統計變項以及冒險旅遊相關變數對各區隔集群進行解釋。本研究抽樣方式為便利抽樣,有效問卷有297份,問卷調查地點包括了戶外以及室內的攀岩場地。資料分析方面採用因素分析及集群分析來將冒險旅客分類,爾後再利用單因子變異數分析以及卡方分析來判斷各區隔集群間最適刺激水準、社會人口統計變項及冒險旅遊相關因素是否有差異。
This study aimed to segment the adventure travelers by the optimum stimulation level (OSL). Further differences among each market segment were examined based on the adventure travelers’ socio-demographic profiles and their travel-related characteristics. Convenience sampling was used in this study. 297 questionnaires was collected to be distributed in the main survey. The survey was executed in both indoor and outdoor rock climbing fields, two were outdoor fields and three were indoor fields. During the main data analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis were proposed techniques to segment adventure travelers into different clusters. Discriminate analysis were further used to ensure the effectiveness of each cluster. Descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA and chi-square tests were the basic statistical methods for testing the distinctions of each cluster.
Factor analysis identified nine factors from OSL. The nine factors were designated as “arousal from change”, “arousal from unusual stimuli”, “arousal from surprise”, “arousal from safety”, “arousal from inactiveness”, “arousal from environment”, “arousal from sensuality”, “arousal from exploration”, and “arousal from familiarity”. Then cluster analysis identified four distinct adventure traveler subgroups by the nine arousal factors, designated as “safety and exploration seekers”, “sensuality and inactiveness seekers”, “change and environment seekers”, and “surprise and familiarity seekers”, respectively. The adventure travelers’ age groups were significantly different among the four segments. The findings would help the adventure travel providers and marketers to understand adventure travelers better, so as to formulate strategies to target the segments effectively. |