本研究為傳統布袋戲的數位化物件編訂檔案名稱與詮釋資料識別碼,以及設計傳統布袋戲之詮釋資料格式,透過Access資料庫系統儲存資料,並撰寫成XML文件,然後利用原生型XML資料庫(Native XML database, NXD)伺服器儲存傳統布袋戲資料,發展一套以數位化檔案名稱與XML為基礎之傳統布袋戲資料管理模型,幫助傳統布袋戲資料內容能完善的描述、儲存、與交換。另一方面,能使資料查詢者準確且有效率的從數位資料庫中擷取所需之布袋戲資料。
The traditional puppet show is a very important historical asset in Taiwan; How-ever, it confronts the situation that may be fallen and scattered these days so that it is necessary to conserve them by digitalization.
In terms of data management, through the Access database system to store these data to XML documents, this study establishes the file names and metadataIDs, designs the Metadata formats of traditional puppet shows for the digital objects of traditional puppet shows, and store these documents in Native XML database (NXD).Ultimately, based on digital file name and XML, this study develops a manageable model of tradi-tional puppet show, which can describing, storing, and retrieving. In terms of users, this study can make the users search traditional puppet show data from the digital database more precise and efficient.