The purpose of this study is to explore the images of college student reflected in the news coverage of newspapers in 2005. The research questions are: First, what are the features of news coverage related to college students;Second, what are the differences of news coverage associated with college students comparatively among four domestic newspapers; Third, what are the image reflection of college students portrayed by the four newspapers. In order to contribute to the preceeding research questions mentioned above, this study employs the methods of content analysis to collect research data and then take those data into information conducting by using the computer program of SPSS. There are important results as follows.
In the aspect of amount of news coverage, United Daily News covers the most and the next is Liberty Times. Straight news counts 94.3% of the total coverage. Editorial counts 5.8%. The priority of the subjects reported by four newspaper are “suffered college students,”“policy,”“crime.”It means that popular newspapers not only pay much more attention to college students but also have news values about college students in common.
The images of college students in newspaper are negative in all categories. The top three of negative images of college students portrayed by the four newspapers are following:United Daily News covers “dangous,”“shallow”and“ resistant”;China Times covers “ resistant”,“ dangous”,“harmful ”,“illegal”; Liberty Times covers “dangous”,“harmful”, “illegal”;Apple Daily News covers“competitionless”,“ illegal ”,“harmful.”