摘要: | 「再現」(μίμησις, representation; 亦譯為「模仿」(imitation))被認為是希臘美學的 重要概念;而以「再現論」(或「模仿說」)解釋藝術,進而批評藝術、尤其是詩,這 說法傳統上也被認為是柏拉圖美學的重要立場。但這裡有兩點值得探討:一、柏拉圖 早期對詩的批評並不涉及「再現」,而是從詩人對詩不能提供合理說明,因而不符合「技 藝」標準而不具有知識,來進行對詩的批評(如《伊安》、《自辯》、《高吉亞斯》),同 時這項批評並不涵蓋繪畫;二、柏拉圖中期(如《理想國》)提出了「再現」問題,這 時,詩和繪畫都涉及「再現」而不是真正知識,另一方面「技藝」問題則逐漸淡出。 柏拉圖藝術批評主要攻擊的對象一直是詩。在「再現論」出現之前,柏拉圖承認繪畫 這種再現藝術是技藝,之後則繪畫與詩的藝術表現都因「再現」而失去傳遞柏拉圖真 正知識的正當地位。本計畫將由「柏拉圖是否可能接受有『再現』的『技藝』?」這 問題導引,在古希臘藝術史與知識環境的背景下,探討柏拉圖美學中「技藝」概念的 轉化,從而釐清柏拉圖「再現論」所涉及的知識概念與美學意涵。 ‘Μίμησις’ (mimesis; representation or imitation) is regarded as a significant concept in the Greek aesthetics. Traditionally, it is widely regarded that Plato understands the arts as mimesis, with which he establishes fierce criticisms against the arts, particularly against poetry. Here, two points are worthy of exploration. Firstly, in Plato’s earlier dialogues, the criticisms against poetry are not involved with the concept of mimesis, but of τέχνη (techne; expertise or skill). In the Ion, Apology and Gorgias, Plato’s criticisms against poetry are centred on the examination of knowledge as techne which requires its practitioner to give a rational account. Poetry is not a techne, while painting is considered as a techne. Secondly, in the middle Plato, especially in the Republic, Plato appeals to the concept of mimesis to establish his criticisms against the arts, including both poetry and painting. At this stage, all the arts are understood as mimesis which is far from the true knowledge in Plato’s sense. On the other hand, the issue of techne becomes not so important then. Plato’s main target is always poetry. An interesting fact is that, before appealing to the concept of mimesis, Plato excludes poetry but admits of painting as a techne even if it is representative. After mimesis is introduced into Plato’s aesthetics, both painting and poetry are deprived of the legitimate privilege of expressing the true knowledge. Thus, this research will be led by the question ‘whether Plato may admit of any techne of mimesis?’ and will explore the role of techne in Plato’s criticisms against the arts in the intellectual environment of the ancient Greek arts and competing branches of knowledge, to investigate into the epistemic and aesthetic significance of mimesis in Plato. |