摘要: | 唐律在中國法制史中,實具承先啟後之地位。因其上集秦漢、魏晉之大成,下立宋、元、明、清之軌範,故其影響深遠。蓋唐律自《永徽疏》成以後,遂為歷代制律之準繩,其脈絡之迹,顯而易見。《唐律疏議》的頒定,象徵著傳統中國進入法律制度的成熟期,歷經宋、元、明,以迄於清季,皆深受唐律的影響。
Tang code has position of serving as a link in fact in the history of Chinese legal system. Because incorporate the strong points of Qin Han, Wei Jin on it, make the criterion of human conduct which set up the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, so influence is far-reaching. Build the intersection of Tang and law since the Tánglǜ shūyì to become, make criterion of law, the intersection of train of thought and it its for successive dynasties then? ,Obvious. To issue, definitely, symbolize traditional China, enter legal mature period of system " the intersection of Tang code dredge, discuss ", go through Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty, in clear season so far, are all influenced by Tang code deeply.
The order will involve the Confucian or feudal ethical codes thought to canvass the family, and the Confucian or feudal ethical codes is the traditional Chinese important culture characteristic, the behaviors of thought, system and daily life in the society, are influenced by it. In the family ' In accordance with gift, as to personal identity and obligation, there are exhaustive norms in China. So, study the family (the clan) The crime question between China's relative, contribute to understanding the spirit of Confucian or feudal ethical codes is in completion and home of the legal aspect the operation of the order is live. In addition, it mean that has special identity of relative's relation between subject of crime and object that the relative makes, want to solve problem of this kind of crime, this one that involves the two is close and distant, one is low, long and young, the adding or subtracting etc. of composition, asserting and measurement of penalty of the crime, relate to this. So, study the relative and make the problem, it is significant.
It lay particular emphasis on this text Ming Li law、Ze Dao law and Dou Song law. Wait for the discussions of three. Selected works this select three the above, go on, analyze for two reasons: First, Ming Li law example law of the law is his applicable scope's wider general rule of the whole Tang code; Second the norm related to the fact that ' the relative make ', concentrate on three more.
Originally divided into six seals altogether. Chapter one ' introduction ' narrates research motive and purpose, and define the range of this text ' the relative '; Chapter two ' the legislative foundation which the relative makes discusses the legislative foundation that the relative made of the Tang Dynasty with development ', sketch the intersection of Tang and former relative, break the rules Fan; Chapter three ' the relative makes with order in the family ' Tang code's maintenance of my father's long right, and the clothes is made into the impact on measurement of penalty of law, with the different difference that fines of the crime when it is low to analyze one; The relevant law that Tang code's relative makes is gentle that ' the legal liability which the relative makes of chapter four ' is discussed, and enclose it with the judicial embodiment and look over department law officers are while hearing to the relative and making the case, judge in accordance with Tang code? Chapter five ' limitation that relative make ' discuss relative make what limitations itself have; Chapter six ' the conclusion ' summarizes the behavior that the relative makes not to declare measurement of penalty guilty according to close and distant, a low, long and young one, different to some extent because the seniority in the family and clothes are made. The inevitable outcome after this is developed operation by a law, legal law is gentle and convoluted and concrete gradually. |