摘要: | 本研究的目的指在探討美容美髮界已婚職業婦女之工作、家庭角色衝突及婚姻滿意度的情形。本研究以問卷施測方式進行,並以研究者所修訂之「工作負荷量表、工作與家庭角色衝突量表、婚姻滿意度量表」為研究工具,並以台南縣市及高雄縣市之美容美髮界已婚職業婦女進行調查,美容組有效樣本共218份,美髮組有效樣本共216份,所得資料經描述性統性單因子變異分析,皮爾遜積差之相關分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,獲得下列結論:
This study is designed to examine the relationship between the role conflict, workload, marital satisfaction of women who are devoted to beautician and hairdresser in dual-career families. The sample for the study consisted of 218 beautician and 216 hairdresser. The instrument is "The role conflict, workload and marital satisfaction of women who are devoted to beautician and hairdresser in dual-career families questionnaire". Method of analysis has description analysis, factor, Pearson's product-moment correlation, stepwise multi-regression and one way ANOVA analysis. The important discoveries of this research is described as follow:
[Beautician career group]
1. The "workload" factor which is almost not variation in different home and work background of women who are devoted to beautician and hairdresser in dual-carrer families.
2. Those who are the women in dual-career families have the different ages, childrens count, age childrens, work period of service , age for marriage education degree and experience the role conflict with respectively achieves the different degree the obviously variation in different and comprehensive condition and the parent-child relationship problems. Showing varying degrees of role conflict.
3. Those who have the different children count, many marriage year several, education degree, have respectively achieves the different degree marital satisfaction with the obviously variation in different condition. Showing varying degrees of satisfaction.
4. Those who have higher work loading experience the lower marital satisfaction with the more role conflict of women in dual-career, saying in the analysist of work loading, role conflict of women in dual-career, marital satisfaction factors.
5. Arranges factors’ effect sequence according to the valid prediction factor to work loading , role conflict of women in dual-career and marital satisfaction, as follow:
I) role of wife > occupation tired > role of housewife > ability pressure > mother-child relationship
II) occupation tired > ability pressure
III) role of wife > role of housewife > mother-child relationship
[Hairdresser career group]
1. Those who are the women in dual-career families experience the role conflict with respectively achieves the different degree the obviously variation in work loading comprehensive condition and ability pressure with occupation tired condition.
2. Those who are the women in dual-career families have the different ages, childrens count, age childrens, many marriage year several, work period of service, education degree, official duty rank, shop category and experience the role conflict with respectively achieves the different degree the obviously variation in comprehensive condition and the problem of mother role. Showing varying degrees of role conflict.
3. Those who are the women in dual-career families have the different ages, childrens count, age childrens, many marriage year several, work period of service, education degree, official duty rank and experience the marital satisfaction with respectively achieves the different degree the obviously variation in comprehensive condition. Showing varying degrees of satisfaction.
4. Those who has lower marital satisfaction experence more role of housewife conflict exclusively of work loading.
5. Arranges factors’ effect sequence according to the valid prediction factor to work loading , role conflict of women in dual-career and marital satisfaction, as follow:
I) mother-child relationship > role of housewife > ability pressure > occupation tired > role of wife
II) ability pressure > occupation tired
III) mother-child relationship > role of housewife > role of wife
Finally, according to the conclusion of this study, related suggestions of beautician’s hairdresser’s company system with work routine and women in dual-career conflict problems for further study were proposed. |