而隨著網際網路相關技術的成熟,另ㄧ種新興的產業模式-應用軟體服務(application service provider, ASP)也因應而生,提供企業有別於傳統一次買斷或自行開發的另ㄧ項成本低廉的解決方案。因此,本研究以應用軟體服務為基礎,加上協同商務的功能與運作概念,實作一個以ASP為基礎,提供知識管理與協同商務整合服務的系統雛型,將企業內外部的資訊與知識加以整合,使其中的合作關係能夠更完善。
In the knowledge-based economy age of the twenty first century, enterprises have moved their focus from labor and land to the issues related to knowledge assets and knowledge management. Moreover, due to the rapid progress of information technology and the variety of marketing environments, enterprises have to change their concepts in running business and emphasize the collaborative relationship among their supply chain partners. Therefore, this research tries to use information technology to develop an implementation model that is able to integrate and implement application service provider(ASP), collaborative commerce, electronic commerce, and knowledge management to improve the quality of supply chain management (SCM). Through the implementation model, enterprises can integrate their inside and outside enterprise information and knowledge with their supply chain partners in order to create a better and closer collaborative relationship. This research also develops a system prototype to verify and demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the model.