摘要: | 丹參為著名「活血去瘀」的傳統中藥,屬於唇形科多年生草本植物。丹參乾燥的根部常用於治療心血管疾病、活血去瘀、調經止痛、養血安神、涼血消炎等。依據文獻中記載,丹參甲醇萃取物大多為丹參酮化合物,丹參酮化合物具有許多的生物活性,例如抗腫瘤、抗氧化、抑制血小板凝集等作用。
新丹參內酯(neo-tanshinlactone)是從丹參的根部分離出來的微量丹參酮化合物,先前文獻報導新丹參內酯具有選擇性的抑制乳癌的活性,但至目前為止並無其類似物的合成以及結構與抗癌活性間關係的研究,本論文中合成四個新丹參內酯的類似物(KFP01, KFP02, KFP03, KFP04),這些化合物將被評估其抗乳癌活性。
The dried roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza under the name Danshen has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of cardiovascular disease, hemorrhage, menstrual disorder, miscarriage, and swelling. According to literature reports, a lot of tanshinones were isolated and identified from S. miltiorrhiza and many of them have been also reported to exhibit diverse biological activities such as antitumor, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiplatelet aggregation, and anti-allergic activities.
Neo-tanshinlactone was isolated as a minor component from the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza and showed strong and selective anti-breast cancer activity. However, the structure and activity relationship (SAR) of neo-tanshinlactone was not reported yet. In this thesis, four neo-tanshinlactone analogues (KFP01, KFP02, KFP03, and KFP04) were synthesized, and their anti-breast cancer activity will be evaluated in the near future. |