Consumers demand for more sophisticated payment tools such as smart cards, are growing rapidly and are changing people’s daily life nowadays. Smart cards integrate a microchip on a plastic payment card, enabling the card to perform multiple functions whilst enhancing security.
This study empirically examines the relationship between consumers’ innova-tion characteristics, technology readiness, perceived risk and the intention to use chip card. At a high level, there are some key conclusions from this research:
• There are strong positive relationship between consumers’ perceived usefulness, at-titude and behavioral intention on use smart cards. There is a similar result on the compatibility but an opposite outcome on the perceived ease of use.
• Payment should be combined with personal information, because consumers would like to consolidate information on their cards and enhance the functionality, in sup-port of multi-application.
• The degree of consumers’ optimism significant affects the attitude and the behav-ioral intention on use smart cards.
• The research shows that convenience and security are key to any successful smart card offering.