為了驗證本研究假設,故採取2 (促銷工具:價格促銷、非價格促銷) x 2 (產品屬性:享樂屬性、實用屬性)共四組的廣告情境。並且由前測的結果決定享樂屬性產品:ipod隨身聽,實用屬性產品:電子字典。共發放320份問卷,有效回收問卷295份,回收率為92.19%。
Different from the past studies, this work uses the concept of marketing segmenta¬tion to study the relationship between promotion, production attribute, different kinds of consumer’s life style on impulsive purchasing behavior. Furthermore, we adopt factor analy¬sis, group analysis and three way ANOVA to analyze carefully the relationship be¬tween them.
The main test samples are general consumers. Two kinds of simulating advertising situa¬tions (promotion and product attribute) are adopted in the test to prove the begin¬ning assumptions. The one situation consists of cost and non-cost promotion and the other consists of enjoyable and functional attribute. In addition, the result of pilot test identi¬fies the enjoyable and the utility products such as ipods and electrical dictionary.
By convenience sampling, we successfully recycled 295 sets of test from 320 sam¬ples in total and the recycle rate reaches 92.19 in percentage. This study shows various promotions will make different degrees of impulsive purchase, and various production attrib¬ute will also influence consumers impulsive purchase behaviors. The influence of enjoyable products on impulsive purchase is more obviously than that of functional ones. Besides, life styles will also have different impulsive purchase behaviors while pur¬chasing enjoyable or functional products. So vendors can effectively make promo¬tion strategy for the consumers in different lifestyle.
The constraint of this work is external validity. Since the test samples focuses on the north region of Taiwan, the consuming behaviors and values would be similar. So this work can not only provide the relative information to future studies but also offer the refer¬ence to strategy maker to do the marketing planning in the view of vendor.