本研究目的是運用運動生物力學的方法,探討國際級保齡球選手在投擲飛碟球與曲球上肢運動學上的差異性及神經肌肉徵召特性。研究方法為採集一位受試者多次(N=10)以飛碟球與曲球一球擊倒全部球瓶時,投擲過程中受試者上肢的肌電訊號,速度及角度變化。所得之數據經SPSS 10.0及Microcal Origin 6.0處理分析,結果發現:1、飛碟球上肢後擺與前擺之前傾角度均大於曲球動作;在後擺與前擺動作前傾角度的比較上,飛碟球達顯著性差異(p<.05),而曲球則無 顯著異,顯示曲球在擲球過程中上肢的穩定度比飛碟球好。2、在出手時,曲球所產生的動能(165.4 J)及球的受力(159.4 kg m/s2)皆分別明顯大於飛碟球的動能(160.9 J)與球之受力(156.1 kg m/s2),顯示曲球的擊瓶力量比飛碟球大;3、飛碟球在後擺與前擺階段的平均肌電振幅(AEMG)與積分肌電(IEMG)均明顯大於曲球(p <.05),可能與曲球負荷較重傾向先徵召深層肌肉,而產生較小的 EMG有關。在延伸動作階段,曲球之AEMG與IENG卻明顯大於飛碟球(p <.05),可能是出手瞬間選擇性徵召快縮肌的現象。4、飛碟球與曲球在前後擺動作及出手前後階段,三角肌的AEMG與IEMG都明顯大於肱三頭肌、肱二頭肌、尺側腕伸肌、橈側腕屈肌。由本研究得知不同的保齡球技術所產生的動能、穩定度及肌肉徵召特性可以用生物力學的研究方法測量出。
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic and the muscle recruitment characteristic in spinner release and hook release on national bowling player. The responses of electromyogram (EMG), velocity and angle of one subject’s upper limb were recorded from 10 times of strike in pinner release and hook release. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 and Microcal Origin 6.0. The results were as follows:1. During releasing, the upper limb lean angle in forward swing and backward swinging of spinner was significantly bigger than that of hook (p <. 05). The lean angle between forward swing and backward was significantly different in spinner (p <. 05), but no significant difference in hook. It shows that hook has better stability than spinner in upper limbs. 2. The kinetic energy (165.4 J) and the force acting on the ball (159.4 kg m/s2) were larger in hook release than those (160.9 J, 156.1 kg m/s2) in spinner separately. It may result in stronger power of hitting the pins in hook than in spinner. 3. The spinner had larger mean amplitude of EMG (AEMG) and integrate EMG (IEMG) in both forward swing and backing swing than the hook (p <. 05). It may relate to that heavier weight recruits deeper muscle fibers first resulting in smaller EMG for hook release. Contrarily, the hook had larger AEMG and IEMG values in extending motion (p <. 05). It may result from the selective recruitment of fast-twitch fibers at the moment of releasing. 4. The AEMG and IEMG values were larger in Deltoid than in Biceps, Triceps, and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris , Flexor Carpi Radialis during forward/back swing, releasing and extending motion in both spinner and hook . The results indicate that the kinetic energy, stability and muscle recruitment characteristics generated by different bowling tec