摘要: | 尋找促進市中心區的生氣與活力(Urban vitality and viability,Schiller , 1994)的要素是達成都市持續發展的一個途徑;而市中心發展,必須有賴於商業活動的進行,購物商街的形成便是市中心商業活動發展最典型的例子。然而,近年來隨著產業結構的轉型以及商業環境的變遷,加上國民平均所得逐漸提高、生活品質也隨之提升,使得消費者購物、逛街的習性皆隨之而有所改變。再者,近年來傳統零售購物商街在面對大型連鎖商場與購物中心強烈的競爭下,正逐漸面臨衰退與轉型的過程,所以,如何有效改善商街環境品質,促進商街人潮遊逛空間的順暢與完備以提昇其競爭力,便成為了塑造商街形象,注入商街生氣與活力,進而建立良好商業中心、帶動整體都市經濟發展的一項關鍵要素。 由於,購物商街與遊逛空間品質的良窳,常維繫著都市商業環境發展的好壞,彼此間具有顯著的關連性並互相影響著;而良好的購物、遊逛環境更是促進市中心區商業發展、吸引人潮前來消費及影響其購物決策的關鍵要素之一。所以,本研究認為「阻礙因子」的產生將會降低遊逛環境的品質並影響商街發展成敗。因此,本研究目的即以此為出發點,運用「分析層級程序法」(AHP)試圖找出產生在購物商街遊逛空間中的各種「負向效果」影響的「阻礙因子」,希望能夠藉此構面之探討及實證來提出解決方案以有效提升商街人潮遊逛空間的品質。 經本研究針對「阻礙因子」相對權重調查統計結果分析後可以發現,「商街環境/空間設計層面」下的阻礙因子為決策群體中所認為影響消費者遊逛行為的最重要因素;因為商街環境的良窳及商街實體空間的設計往往代表的是一個都市意象的表現,它是一般消費者來到商街遊逛時所映入眼簾的第一印象,而透過環境的規劃以及空間的改善更可以在短期時間內就達到立竿見影的效果。但單靠外觀空間設計或街區景觀的改善並不能徹底有效地解決商街空間中的阻礙因子,尚需從商街店家及商街整體面向的「經營與管理」體質上來著手改善,才能達到「治本」的效果。 所以,欲有效改善、消弭或極小化這些商街環境中的阻礙因子,必須透過長期性、持續性的改造,從空間設計、街區景觀、以及商街整體的經營與管理體質上來著手改進,並透過政府部門、商街店家及消費者間彼此的相互合作、配合才能加以達成。然而,要能夠有效整合、運作與協調這三者並促進商街環境的改善與活化的最重要因素即是在於「商街運作、推動的主體」以及其「營運機制與管理制度」的建立等兩大要素,而此兩大要素的健全與完備將成為影響商街發展成敗的關鍵。所以,本研究認為商街遊逛環境內皆需要有一個相關部門組織或單位來長期推動、經營商街內的各項事務;並制定一套相關規範與管理的辦法,才能有效整合、約束商街店家行為,使其均能在適度的規範模式下有所規則可以依循,藉以提升整體消費環境的品質,並有效解決商街遊逛空間中的各項阻礙因子,以重塑市中心區商業街區的新風貌,進而帶動其周圍區域商業機能的整體發揮,促進都市活化與商街整體競爭力的提升。
To find out factors that can promote urban vitality and viability is the way to achieve continual urban development. In addition, town centre development has to rely on how commercial activities can be carried out. The formation of shopping area is the most classical example of commercial activity development. However, facing with strong competition by large chain stores and shopping centres in recent years, traditional retail shopping area is progressively facing a decline and the course of transformation Therefore, how to improve the environment quality of shopping area effectively so as to promote smoothness and completeness of pedestrian flow in shopping area is a key element in shaping the image of the shopping areas as well as injecting vitality and viability to the shopping area and in establishing a good commercial centre that can promote the overall urban economic development.
The good or bad of the quality of shopping streets and shopping areas will often tie to the good or bad of the urban commercial environment development and a good shopping environment is one of the key elements in promoting the commercial development of the town centre and attracting pedestrian flow to come for consumption and in affecting shopping decision. Therefore this research is of the opinion that the generation of 「negative factors」will reduce the quality of the shopping environment and will affect the success or failure of the development of shopping area. As a result, the purpose of this research is to utilize 「AHP」 to find out various 「negative factors」with 「negative effect」in shopping areas. It is hoped to base on the study of this aspect and actual proof to present solution plan so as to effectively enhance the quality of pedestrian flow in shopping areas.
From the research result, it is discovered that the negative factor under the 「shopping area environment/space design level」is the most important factor that will affect the shopping behavior of consumers. This is because most often the good or bad of the shopping area environment and the shopping area space would represent the performance of an urban image. It is the first impression that will be reflected in the eyes of general consumers when they come to the shopping area for shopping. In addition, through environment planning and space improvement, it can achieve an effective result within a short time. However, by simply relying on the outer appearance space design or street landscape cannot effectively and thoroughly solve the negative factors in the shopping area space. It is necessary to conduct improvement on the shops in the shopping area and the overall 「operation and management」 constitution in order to achieve the result of a「solving problem at the source」.
Therefore, in order to effectively improve, eliminate or minimize the negative factors in the environment of these shopping areas, it has to go through long term and continual improvement. Such improvement has to be conducted from space design, shopping area landscape and the overall operation and management constitution of the shopping area. In addition, a related departmental organization or unit should be established within the shopping area environment to carry out long-term popularisation and operation of various affairs in the shopping area. Furthermore, a set of relevant standard and management method should be established in order to be able to effectively integrate and restrain the behavior of shops in the shopping area. In this way, all shops can follow such rules under an appropriate standardized model so as to enhance the quality of the overall consumption quality. Moreover, various negative factors of the shopping areas can be effectively solved so as to reshape a new appearance of the town centre shopping area and to further bring the overall commercial function of its surrounding areas into full play and to promote urban viability and enhancement of the overall competitive strength of shopping areas. |