在本實驗中需考慮測試過程的穩定性故使用熱分解溫度450℃製備之氧化釕電極在鹼性系統(1M KOH)中測試,可以獲得穩定以及較佳之實驗數據。
The study of oxygen generating process by using ruthenium oxide materials is a potential anode to be used in a oxygen concentrator devices. The fabrication of dimensional stable anode(DSA)is a thermal decomposition process by using hydrate ruthenium compounds on titanium supported electrode. The characterization of electrodes are observed by surface topographic tools and cyclic voltammetry and the performance of electrodes are measured by current-voltage curves. The active sizes in ruthenium oxide in generating oxygen are thermal treatment dependence and temperature of 450℃ to 550℃ thermal treatments demonstrate good electrode performance in oxygen producing. The stability and life-test of electrodes by using this processes are not established.