原住民觀光從90年代以來成為重要的旅遊目的,台北縣烏來鄉以溫泉、瀑布、負離子、賞鳥和原住民觀光聞名,而泰雅族編織工藝品之意涵概括泰雅族豐富之文化內涵,除此之外,亦受到傾向尋找真實性遊客的歡迎,但編織工藝品真實性認知之研究付之闕如。本研究之研究目的有三:1. 了解遊客對泰雅族編織工藝品真實性的認知;2. 遊客人口統計變數在泰雅族編織工藝品真實性認知上的差異;3. 不同旅遊型式(個別旅遊與團體旅遊)的遊客在泰雅族編織工藝品真實性認知上的差異。
Aboriginal tourism took off in the 90’s and has become a major tourism attraction. Wu-lai Township in Taipei County is renowned for its hot spring, waterfalls, anion, bird-watching trails, and aboriginal tourism. It is also considered as one of the authentic areas for locating Atayal weaving handicrafts.
The main objectives of this study are three-fold: (1) to explore the perceived authenticity of Atayal weaving handicrafts among tourists who visit Wu-lai; (2) to examine whether or not some significant differences exist among tourists to Wu-lai in terms of their perception on the authenticity of Atayal weaving handicrafts; and (3) to compare the difference on both package tour tourists and self-arranged tour tourists’ perception on the authenticity of Atayal weaving handicrafts.
This research adopts an on-site survey approach. The unit of analysis is confined to domestic tourists. The statistical methods include frequencies, factor analysis, ANOVA, chi-square, and reliability tests.
The findings indicate that some significant differences exist among domestic tourists concerning their perception on the authenticity of Atayal weaving handicrafts. Additionally, some differences exist in between package tour and self-arranged tour tourists. This study can not only extend the knowledge in understanding the tourist perception on the aboriginal handicrafts, but also facilitate some more effective promotional strategies from the perspective of destination marketing.