摘要: | 本研究旨在暸解癲癇青少年生活壓力、人格特質、社會支持與因應策略之現況,探討癲癇青少年背景變項對生活壓力、人格特質、社會支持與因應策略之差異情形,以及分析癲癇青少年生活壓力、人格特質、社會支持與因應策略之間的關連性,進而檢視癲癇青少年生活壓力、人格特質、社會支持對因應策略之預測性,最後根據研究發現,歸納研究結果,提出相關建議,以供學術界與實務界之參考,期以發展並推動適切於癲癇青少年與家庭之服務方案。
研究對象以北、中、南部三家醫學中心就診之癲癇青少年及中華民國兒童癲癇協會之會員為調查對象,採立意抽樣得有效樣本共計為90名。以問卷調查法進行資料收集,研究工具為「癲癇青少年生活經驗調查表」,其中包含「個人基本資料表」、「生活壓力量表」、「人格特質量表」、「社會支持量表」以及「因應策略量表」等五個部份。採用SPSS for window 10.0中文版統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,所使用的統計方法包含次數分配、K-S檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析,以及廣義線性模式迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析,研究結果發 現:
1. 就「問題/積極因應」而言,以「未來發展」、「訊息性支持」的預測力最大,此二項預測變項能聯合預測「問題/積極因應」18.9%的變異量。
2. 就「問題/消極因應」而言,以「未來發展」、「工具性支持」的預測力最大,此二項預測變項能聯合預測「問題/消極因應」17.8%的變異量。
3. 就「情緒/積極因應」而言,依序以「訊息性支持」、「人格特質」的預測力最大,此二項預測變項能聯合預測「情緒/積極因應」16.2%的變異量。
4. 就「情緒/消極因應」而言,依序以「未來發展」、「兩性交往」、「評價性支持」、「工具性支持」、「情緒性支持」的預測力最大,此五項預測變項能聯合預測「情緒/消極因應」34.0%的變異量。
The Correlation Study among Life Stress, Personality Traits, Social Support and Coping Strategies on Epileptic Adolescents
This quantitative study based on purposive sampling selected 90 epileptic adolescents across three nationwide medical centers (Kaoshiung, Taichung, and Taipei Veteran General Hospital, VGH) to examine the current situation and association among variables of life stress, personality traits, social support and coping strategies.
Five scales with good reliability and validity were used as tools of measurement which were signed y original authors as consent form. There were many statistical analyses used as data analyses, such as Frequency Distribution, K-S test, Student t test, One-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s moment correlation matrix, stepwise regression model and generalized linear regression model analysis, etc.
The findings of results are followed as:
1. Epileptic adolescents felt stressful on the future development and expressed the least encounters on dating course.
2. Female epileptic adolescents expressed more stress than male counterparts. Partial seizures of epileptic adolescents showed more stress on school life than unclassified seizures of epileptic adolescents.
3. Epileptic adolescents showed higher score on internal locus of control. However, the locus of control had no association with the demographic variables, such as sex, SES, birth order, etc.
4. Epileptic adolescents showed the most instrumental support and the least emotional support among all types of social supports. Besides, there was a significant difference between age and emotional support, indicating twelve to fifteen years old and over eighteen years old epileptic adolescents had more emotional support than counterparts on fifteen to eighteen years old epileptic adolescents. Epileptic adolescents showed to cope with stress by using emotional/positive the most, next problem/positive, then problem/negative and emotional/negative t strategy he least. There were some significant differences between birth order and coping strategies indicating that adolescents born as the second birth order tended to use more problem/negative coping strategy to cope with stress than those born as the first order.
5. There was some positive correlation relationship existed among life stress, problem/positive strategy, and emotional/positive strategy for epileptic adolescents; however, there was negative correlation relationship among personality traits, problem/positive strategy, and emotional/positive strategy but positive correlation relationship among personality traits, problem/positive strategy and emotional / negative strategy.
6. There indicated around 19% variance of problem/positive strategy predicted by future development and informational support by using stepwise regression model; there indicated around 18% variance of problem/negative strategy predicted by future development and instrumental support by using stepwise regression model; there indicated around 16% variance of emotional/positive strategy predicted by informational support and personality traits by using stepwise regression model; and there indicated around 34% variance of emotional/negative strategy predicted by future development, hetero-sexual interaction, informational support, instrumental support and emotional support by using stepwise regression model.
7. By using Binominal Logistical Regression Model, there indicated that problem/ positive strategy could be predicted by future development and personality traits with 79% accuracy of prediction. In addition, there indicated that emotional/positive strategy could be predicted by physiological/psychological development, emotional support, and personality traits with 81% accuracy of prediction.
8. By using Multi-nominal Logistical Regression Model, there indicated that negative expressions in problem and emotional strategy could be predicted by future development , family life and personality traits.
9. By using Ordinal Logistical Regression Model, there indicated that the coping strategy could be predicted by future development, family life, and personality traits. It showed that the more stress on future development, the more stress family had, and the more tendency to show external locus of control, epileptic adolescents tended to adopt more negative way in problem/emotional coping strategy. |