This In order to compare the performance of diversification in traditional industry with venture capital and without venture capital (VC), the study uses the research sam-ple selected from 2000 to 2004, and 13 industries with VC and 17 industries without VC. First, the study uses the factor analysis to extract the primary factors. Second, the study makes the relative analysis by the DEA method the discussion. Like the analysis by in-puts (variables of financial, corporate governance, and intangible) and outputs (ROA and EPS).
The result of study: 1.the DMU with VC are more efficient than what without VC and the reason is from entirety inefficiency. 2. In the analysis of extremely efficiency, numbers of efficiency of DMU with VC more than efficiency of DMU without VC. 3. If we have to adjust DMU until efficiency, most we need are decrease input (variables of financial, corporate governance, and intangible). Inefficiency results from too much in-put. 4. If we eliminate any one of inputs or output, the efficiency will decrease. So we can point out every inputs and output are reveal efficiency.