1. 在傳統代理指標方面,獨立董事人數、金融機構持股比、董監事席次對於企業創新資本的投入具正向影響。
2. 在核心代理指標方面,各項偏離值大小對於研發投入的影響需視正誘因與侵佔因素大小而定,無一致性影響。
3. 當前期財務績效良好時,並未出現盈餘窗飾的行為。
4. 在經理人特質方面,經理人持股比例、經理人任期與研發費用呈現負向關係;經理人異動次數與研發費用呈現正向關係;經理人異動次數與廣告費用呈現負向關係。
5. 透過迴歸分析結果進一步顯示部份核心代理指標對財務績效的影響,創新資本中介效果顯著。
There have been many successful business cases these years because of their in-ventive ideas, and right after it caused “Trend of Blue Oceans.”
No matter the academia or the actual industry generally agreed that the inventive operation helped to advance business values. However, business in Taiwan under in-vests intellectual capitals. The reason could be the myopia investment; therefore, during 1998 ~ 2004 the research period, the aspects treated of corporate governance and Be-havioral Finance as the causes of managerial myopia by taking the domestic listed elec-tronic industry, as the subject and offered a more complete system for the myopia in-vestment. According to the research, it would make domestic business emphasis on in-tellectual capitals and avoid the business damage which was caused by the myopia in-vestment.
1. For the traditional agency problem, the partial variable had the positive effect upon the intellectual capitals.
2. For central agency problem,when earlier Financial Performances was good, it re-duced expenses of the research instead and didn’t occur cover-up problems.
3. It showed a negative effect among the aspect of management characteristic, R&D and advertisement expenses.
4. The indexes of central agency problem target to the financial achievements influence, the intellectual capital intermediary effect significantly. That means that myopia in-vestment significantly affects enterprise finance performances.