The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between director compen-sation and related party transactions (RPT). It’s a long term debate that directors and executives use related party transactions to improve the efficiency of operation or to manipulate earnings and transfer interests . However, there hasn’t been any consistent empirical result. Besides the regulations only supervise a few fraction of transactions which has frauds. It is worthy of further research toward the related party transaction whether there is any other systematic problem in management. Based on compensation arrangements perspective and agency theory, the study investigates the determinants of related party transactions. Our results indicates that RPT net sales, RPT COGS, RPT non-operating revenue, RPT non-operating expense, RPT accounts receivable, RPT ac-counts payable, payable to RP are significantly positively associated with director com-pensation. It reveals that the amount of related party transaction increases when director compensation increases. Hence, related party transactions result from the executives acquiring excessive compensation, not from adding profits to the shareholders wealth. In other words, related party transactions present the increase in agency problem.