從2000年開始,生技產業即被政府列為十大新興工業之一,而各種生技公司也如雨後春筍般出現,然而多數之企業僅曇花一現,無法持續經營;但本個案研究公司卻能在短短的數年中,從生技產業的新加入者,晉身為該產業之龍頭廠商。因此本研究的目的在於利用平衡計分卡的架構,找出該公司價值創造之因素,並且以層級分析法(analytical hierarchy process, AHP)作為輔助工具,找出該個案公司績效提升之關鍵成功因素,以作為其他同性質之企業績效管理之參考。
The major purpose of this study is using a structure of balance scorecard to find out what factors are the key success factors in Bio-Tech industry. Because Bio-Tech in-dustry is a sunrise industry in Taiwan, it attracted many investors to invest in this indus-try. However, most of them are failure, but some are success. According to this, this study uses a leader of Bio-Tech industry to find out the value creation factors, therefore, we can use the factors to be indicators to other Bio-Tech corporations for management.