臺北市政府都市更新處為強化宣導都市更新的公共空間、公共議題與公眾生活,推動「都市再生前進基地(URS, Urban Regeneration Station)計畫」,希望藉由公私部門合作方式,透過民間團體再利用閒置公有房地,改變空間形式及改善與社區之間的關係,有效再利用都市老舊廠房及都市更新地區重建前之閒置房地,改善都市窳陋的環境、地區景觀提升生活品質。
Since 2001, the Council for Cultural Affairs has issued “2001 Pilot Implementation Guidelines for the Reuse of Unused Space” and President Ma,Ying-jeou has proposed a plan on youth policy. Both aim to enhance the reuse of idle premises by making use of unused space in older communities, improve the urban environment and strengthen local culture, while transforming the quality of the living environment and embracing the power of urban transformation.
The Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government, has become a key advocate for the urban renewal of public space, public issues and public life through its “Urban Regeneration Station (URS) Project.” The hope is that public-private sector cooperation will facilitate the reuse of idle premises and land, thereby improving relations with the community. In addition, it is hoped such projects will re-use empty urban plants and idle premises before the urban renewal areas are designated, enhancing quality of life in such areas by improving the poor urban environment and local landscape.
This paper focuses on the former "Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor spatial of Zhongshan distribution " The main objective is to explore investments by civil society in the reuse of idle public premises and land. After collation and analysis of the relevant literature, a questionnaire was distributed to respondents and in-depth interviews conducted with representatives of industry, government officials and academics as a way of exploring the city’s unused public premises. A number of issues and countermeasures involving the reuse of unused premises and land were presented to deal with related problems and enhance the quality of the environment.