Revolutionary information technological improvements have enhanced productivity at the same time also raised bar for workplace efficiency. Dated technology, paper-based work flow documentation are no longer a corporate norm. Robust information technology systems have become so integral in every leading corporate enterprise' eco system that it should evolve to be every enterprise's objective. Moving a paper-based repairs and maintenance work flow system to a paperless environment would be one step forward. Moving the system to a mobile paper-less environment would be a true generation upgrade. Cost reduction, enhanced work efficiency and service quality will be a few direct results a mobile system can achieve.
The objective of this paper is to study the impact of a mobile paperless repairs and maintenance system. The two basic components of such a system are a central server receiving work orders from customers or internal stakeholders, and mobile devices accompanying field repairs and maintenance staff allowing them to receive accurate work orders and react to them on a timely basis. The central server adopts First-Come-First-Serve algorithm to prioritize work orders using criteria such as geographical locale, maintenance priority, field staff availability, etc. It would then send work orders accordingly to the field staff's mobile devices effectively creating a robust work schedule.
This study was conducted based on two sets of data, first based on a population of 200 work orders, second based on a population of 400 work orders. Each dataset was tested with 6 field maintenance staff. The analysis was done to reveal the difference in efficiency and cost between a paper system versus a mobile paperless system, as well the impact the system may have should volume of work orders become an influencing factor. Based on the study results, compared to a traditional paper-based work flow, work orders completed via a mobile paperless system had an efficiency improvement of 250% when 200 work orders were tested. Work efficiency increased by 369% when 400 work orders were tested. This shows that work efficiency increases as workload increases in a mobile paperless environment. A 100% increase in work load translated into a 119% work efficiency improvement. Study also showed the mobile paperless system would reduce repairs and maintenance cost by an estimated $4.7 Million per annum
In summary, this study shows implementing a mobile paperless repairs and maintenance system has a significant lasting impact on both improving work efficiency and reducing corporate cost.. It is also a must for an enterprise to create its competitive advantage in field maintenance services.