摘要: | 拜全球化之賜,文化創意、美學生活、美感經驗體驗在今日社會或生活之中,隨處可見。擁有品味、美學或文化素養,已非過去帝王霸權時代的貴族專屬。藝術是人類文明的美麗記號,藝術家瑰麗的創作處處皆展現出來,無論是在繪畫、建築、雕塑、音樂、文學或是工藝等各方面的表現上。世界各國為有別於他國呈現自我的獨特之處,無不努力發展地方特色,發揚光大其文化碩果。緣此「藝術欣賞」便愈顯重要。如何讓一般大眾懂得尊重、欣賞他國文化,又能保有對自我國家文化藝術上的傳承與深耕,便是不可或缺且迫切的課題。由於科技的進步,傳統的在教室內的藝術欣賞課程,現今可以運用數位學習教材來加以推廣,一來既縮短城鄉與都市間的藝術教育資源不均等之問題,二來可以因為科技網路等資源的分享,快速地將藝術教育推廣散播出去。
Because of globalization , cultural creativity , aesthetic life , aesthetic experience inside our life and social activities nowadays, everywhere. It is not only privilege of ar-istocracy, but also civilian have their own aesthetic feeling or aesthetic taste, culture knowledge. Arts is a beautiful sign of human civilization, the artist magnificent creations show up everywhere , whether it is in all aspects of painting, architecture , sculpture , music, literature , or the performance of handicraft, etc. . All of the countries around the world work hard to show themselves unique, all efforts to develop local culture. In order to make the great achievement of their culture flourish. In view of the above reasons, tendency of this " art appreciation " will become increasingly important. How to make the general public know how to respect and appreciate different cultures of other countries, but also to keep on cultivating self- national cultural heritage and artistic, and that is indispensable and urgent issue. Owing to advances in technology, nowadays you can use e-learning courses to replace art appreciation courses traditional at classroom. E-learning courses can be easy, convenient and soon to popularize arts education. It can shorten arts education resources difference between urban and rural and urban inequality of the problem due to computer technology assistance, network sharing, etc..
This study is about exploring the main design for the general public ( who re-ceived no formal arts education ) e-learning courseware. Self-study ( who received no formal arts education ) from designed e-learning courseware can easily enter and arouse interest in the arts appreciation courses to facilitate self-learners to learn to appreciate a works or activity of arts.
Consider arts appreciation courses is classified as affective domain, so adding e-learning courseware design principles of affective domain teaching strategies to be explored. First, thesis use literature discussed and review relevant literature. Then con-ducted expert and scholar opinion interviews to find out what is design elements that facilitate emotional in e-learning courseware of arts appreciation in order to reach affec-tive learning target. Finally, collect literature and experts advice and make recom-mendations based on finishing the design elements.
In the digital era , life and teaching nowadays are closely linked with the tech-nology. Owing to exploring in e-learning courseware design of arts appreciation of relevant literature is rare in our country. This study can be a reference to e-learning textbooks instructional designer or arts appreciation class teachers, as teaching or de-signing a e-learning arts appreciation course be the reference material. |