摘要: | 根據經建會經濟研究處的研究指出,在台灣的企業有百分之九十七以上是中小型企業,其中高達80%是微型企業。由於這些企業多半缺乏資金及人力,無法比照中大型企業有足夠的經費聘用資訊專業團隊,因此,如何運用資訊委外方案,降低營運成本,提昇微型企業的競爭力,已成為微型企業主在網路時代必須面對的重要課題。有鑑於此,本研究目的將先探討微型企業資訊委外的重要關鍵因素,期望能歸納出一個簡單易行的決策模型,提供微型企業主進行選擇資訊委外廠商的決策參考。
研究方法將先進行文獻探討及專家訪談,以腦力激盪歸納微型企業資訊委外的評估因素,再依此評估因素導入層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),建構資訊委外的層級架構與評估準則,最後再依資訊專家及企業主的訪談問卷結果,計算層級架構評估準則的權重。研究結果顯示資訊專家及企業主最重視的構面為服務能力,次重要的構面為團隊管理能力,排名最後是委外服務報價。此研究結果也可彙整為微型企業資訊委外方案的決策模式,幫助微型企業主選擇適合的委外廠商或資訊委外方案。
According to a CEPD economic research department study pointed out that Taiwan industries 80% are micro-enterprises (Micro-Enterprise), is Taiwan's economic base. Due to the large micro-enterprises cannot apply mutatis mutandis and put enough manpower or funding to employ information professionals, information about how to use outsourcing programmers, reduce operating costs, enhance the competitiveness of micro-enterprises, has become a business owner, in the Internet age have to deal with an important issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study will explore the important factors in micro-enterprises, outsourcing of information, expected to sum up a decision-making model that easy, for micro-business owners make decisions about select outsourcing vendors reference. The research method will first literature review and interviews with experts to assess the factors summarized IT outsourcing micro-enterprises, and so assess the factors, and then import the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP), to construct hierarchical structure and evaluation indicators of IT outsourcing, after then by information specialists and business owners advice, computing hierarchical structure evaluation index weights, the results show information specialists and business owners the most important facets of service capabilities 0.334 weights less important for the team management capabilities 0.241 weight, and professional competence 0.218 weight, and finally the outsourcing service quotation 0.207 weight, the results of the study can also be aggregated for decision-making mode micro-enterprise IT outsourcing solutions, then so future decision-making model to help micro-business owners choose the right outsourcing vendor or information outsourcing solutions. |