永續的家畜生產系統有賴於良好的動物福利,歐盟經過長期努力自2013年1月1日起,全面廢除懷孕母豬狹欄飼養(除了母豬懷孕最初的35天外;Directive 2008/120/EC)。丹麥是歐洲地區之豬隻生產大國,豬隻產業相關單位因應歐盟法令變革,逐步發展之準備及調整轉型過程,可作為國內相關策略擬定之參考。本計畫預計參訪丹麥有關豬隻生產及動物福利議題相關研究團隊及豬場,了解丹麥豬隻生產及動物福利發展的情形、各項因應措施及轉型間發生的問題與解決的辦法;並就豬隻動物福利評估系統及相關技術發展、推廣及執行措施進行實務參訪,同步蒐集該國友善畜牧產品標章認證之相關推動經驗與發展趨勢,以利我國研擬因應相關措施。
Substantial livestock production system relies on quality animal welfare. EU regulation (Directive 2008/120/EC) ban on sow stalls (except the first 35 days of their pregnancy) takes effect on January 1, 2013 after a transitional period of 12 years. Danish pig production is efficient and competitive. In response to the EU directive, the transitional experience of Danish pig industry and producers can be used as a reference for policy contemplates in Taiwan. The project aims to visit the animal welfare related research teams and pig farms in Denmark to understand the development of various tasks on pig production and animal welfare during transition period. Systems of pig welfare assessment and related techniques are also investigated during the visit. In addition, the information of the experience and the development trends on certification of friendly livestock product in European countries are collected and surveyed for reference on constructing the animal welfare policies in Taiwan.