本研究目的在探討針對台灣地區老年人不同日常身體活動量調查方法(運動指標得 分量表、IPAQ台灣活動量調查短版問卷與改良式 CHAMPS 老年人身體活動問卷)、血 液中發炎(CRP、IL-6 與 TNF-α)、抗發炎(IL-4、IL-10)指標及肌肉減少症指標(骨 骼肌肉量指數、呼氣流量峰值、握力與 4公尺行走速度)之相關性,以及各程度身體活 動量之間發炎、抗發炎指標及肌肉減少症罹患率之差異情形。研究方法:以台灣地區 150 位 45歲以上之中、老年人為研究對象。所有研究對象均在填寫完所有問卷後,進行肌 肉減少症檢測評估,再於他日採集研究對象空腹靜脈血 5 ml,而每位研究對象之所有問 卷與測驗須於一週內完成。先以皮爾森積差相關進行中、老年人不同日常身體活動量調 查方法、血液中發炎/抗發炎指標及肌肉減少症指標之相關分析,並利用費雪法進行相關 的差異分析,再以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析進行中、老年人各程度身體活動量之間發 炎、抗發炎指標及肌肉減少症罹患率之差異。顯著水準訂為 α = .05。預期結果:透過 本研究可預期瞭解中、老年人日常身體活動量、血液發炎/抗發炎指標與肌肉減少症之相 關與影響情形,未來或許可提供做為預防慢性疾病與肌肉減少症罹患及發展替代藥物的 治療方式。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among daily physical activity (exercise index score, IPAQ Taiwan physical active mass investigation short-version questionnaire, modified CHAMPS activity questionnaire for older adults), pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines (CRP, IL-6, TNF-α/ IL-4、IL-10) and sarcopenia (skeletal muscle mass index, peak expiratory flow, handgrip strength, 4 m usual gait speed), as well as the difference of physical activity on pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines and sarcopenia in middle-aged and elderly. The method of the research will be based on 150 Taiwan middle-aged and elderly of above 45 years old. All subjects will be detected the indicators of sarcopenia after complete all questionnaires, and then 5-ml blood will be collected from the antecubital vein in the other day. All Data will be analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Fisher’s test, and the difference of physical activity on pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines and sarcopenia using by independent sample one-way ANOVA. The α is set at .05. This research is expected to be able to conclude the relationship and influence among daily physical activity, pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines and sarcopenia, available as the prevention of chronic disease and the risk of sarcopenia and the development of alternative drug treatment in the future.