摘要: | 研究背景、問題與目的 在過去幾年許多被提出的負面領導概念中,不當督導(abusive supervision)吸引了研 究者相當顯著的注意及興趣。不當督導定義為部屬對於主管持續地展現言語上的和非言 語上的敵意行為的程度所產生之知覺,但不包括肢體的接觸。不當督導的行為如對部屬 貶抑、輕視、暗中破壞、侵害部屬的隱私等多具敵意及加害,異常的組織行為形式概念 相當明顯。既往對於不當督導的研究大多將焦點放在員工及組織整體的負面結果上,卻 僅有少數研究將焦點放在不當督導的前置變項上,了解是否有其他工作相關脈胳因素可 以預測不當督導,對設法降低不當督導的管理策略來說確實存在探討的必要性。團體績 效常被用以衡量部門或單位績效目標達成的程度,而部門或單位的主管必須為團體績效 的成敗負責,因此團體績效將成為主管的目標。組織成員會從事與目標有關的行為,由 於團體績效可能為主管帶來履行完成的壓力及失敗的威脅而成為主管的壓力源,當主管 感受到此壓力源時,將可能導致其出現不良結果的工作行為,如不當督導之偏差行為, 而促使部屬產生不當督導的知覺。根據前人文獻的邏輯推論發現,團體績效這個工作相 關脈胳因素將可能導致主管的不當督導行為,而促使員工知覺到不當督導,團體績效與 不當督導間應有關係存在,但無法在兩者間關係獲得一致的推論結果,惟有關團體績效 與不當督導關係之探討目前尚付之闕如,基於以上研究問題,本研究目的為:(一)了解 不同程度團體績效下,在員工知覺的不當督導上是否存在差異,(二)發現團體績效與不 當督導間之關係。 研究方法 本研究根據主題適合性將以企業組織的員工為研究對象。以調查法蒐集研究所需之 資料,並以問卷為調查工具。正式調查擬發放 2,000份問卷進行調查。本研究相關變數 參考前人文獻已發展之量表進行修改作為其衡量工具。擬採用相關係數分析、信度分 析、t-test及層級迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析。 預期研究成果 在學術理論方面,預期本研究結果將有助於不當督導領域知識範疇的擴展,將可彌 補既有文獻無法說明團體績效與不當督導間關係的不足,及擴展對不當督導前因變項的 研究。在管理實務應用方面,大部份的研究都提出設定目標對組織是有利的,因此組織 會為部門或單位訂立團體績效目標,希望藉由組織成員對團體績效目標投入承諾而獲得 利益,但本研究預期團體績效可能會引發員工對主管不當督導的知覺,換言之,組織可 能將為此付出產生不良後果的代價,這是值得留意關注的組織現象。預期本研究結果將 可提供有關設法降低不當督導管理策略的理論基礎及方向建議。 Research Background, Problems and Objectives Among the many negative-leadership concepts proposed, abusive supervision has at- tracted significant research attention in the past several years. Abusive supervision is defined as subordinates perceptions of the extent to which supervisors engage in the sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviors, excluding physical contact. Examples of abusive supervision include a supervisor demeaning, belittling, undermining, or invading the privacy of a subordinate. These behaviors reflect willed hostility and victimization, which are obvious conception of abnormal organizational behavior. Past research on abusive supervision has mostly focused on its negative outcomes to employees and the organization. Although the consequences of abusive supervision have received considerable attention, there is a paucity of research on the antecedents of this behavior. Examining additional work contextual factors as predictors of abusive supervision could contribute to the deterrent of supervisors’abusive behavior. Group performance is often used in measuring the degree of goal achievement of divisions or departments in organizations. The supervisors of divisions or departments should be responsible for group performance. Therefore, the group performance would become su- pervisors’goal. Organizational members will engage in goal-related behavior. Group per- formance could create the pressure of achievement and the threat of failure, that are likely to be cognitively appraised as a stressor to supervisors. Therefore, supervisors could engage in counterproductive work behaviors, including aggression which results from the workplace stressors, and contributing to subordinates perceptions of abusive supervision. However, pre- vious studies have not focused on group performance, which might be an additional work contextual factor to predict abusive supervision. Yet, the relationship between group per- formance and abusive supervision has not been examined. The purposes of this study are: (1) discovering the differences on perceived abusive supervision of employees under different group performance, (2) examining the relationship between group performance and abusive supervision. Methodology The data of this study will be collected from employees of business organizations by 2,000 survey questionnaires. Variables will be measured through modified scales developed in previous studies. The collected data will be analyzed by means of coefficient of correlation analysis, reliability analysis, t-test and hierarchical regression analyses. Expected Contribution This study addresses the gap of limited understanding on the antecedents of abusive su- pervision and will expand the knowledge concerning abusive supervision. Based on findings of this study, implications for deterring supervisors’abusive behavior in organizations are subsequently discussed. |