本計畫希望能針對西北太平洋與南海地區的颱風特性變化,及其對 區域氣候之影響做深入的探討,計畫內容包含三個主軸:1. 颱風活躍度 與海表面溫度的關係、2.近四十年颱風特性(生成個數、活躍度、強度與 路徑)之年循環變化、3.颱風移動路徑變化對台灣降雨之影響。吾人預期 本計畫執行完畢後,將可獲得底下之研究成果: 1. 瞭解颱風特性於過去四十年的年循環變化差異,並嘗試找出造成年循 環變化的大氣與海洋關鍵因子。 2. 瞭解颱風活躍度與該區域海表面溫度變化的關係,評估不同強度的颱 風於不同季節與不同位置,對海洋所產生的冷卻幅度大小,探討颱風 在熱帶海溫長期變化趨勢中所扮演的角色。 3. 瞭解臨近台灣附近的颱風移動路徑變化對台灣降雨特性的可能影響, 包含降雨頻率、強度與強降雨發生位置等,我們也將探討極端降雨發 生頻率對台灣環境可能造成的衝擊。 In this project, we will focus on the changes in the characteristics of typhoons over the western North Pacific and South China Sea and its impact on the regional climate. There are three major topics and purposes will be included as follows: 1. Understanding the changes of annual cycle in typhoon count, activity, strength, and track in the past four decades and its relationship to the large-scale environmental conditions. 2. Understanding the relationship between the typhoon activity and sea surface temperature cooling, and the contribution of typhoon activity to the long-term variation of tropical sea surface temperature. Evaluating the magnitude of sea surface temperature cooling induce by typhoons in different season and location. 3. Understanding the changes of invaded typhoon track impact on the rainfall frequency, intensity and the spatial distribution of extreme rainfall in Taiwan.