民眾長時間處於室內空氣品質欠佳之地下空間,除導致精神狀態不佳外, 亦可能因吸入高濃度 CO 或 CO2氣體進而降低行動能力。很不幸當火災事故 發生時,精神不佳的民眾很難立即進行反應與行動,因而錯失初始逃生避難之 寶貴時機,甚至因無法逃生避難成功而喪身火窟。民眾若能有效利用初始避難 時間(避難黃金時間)將可提高避難成功機會。已有非常多的醫學報導或研究 成果證實,當室內 CO 與 CO2氣體濃度過高時,對於人員身體與大腦將產生 不同程度之傷害,甚至導致死亡。為了使身處地下空間的民眾能善加利用初始 避難時間,藉以提高逃生避難成功之機會,為瞭解地下空間室內 CO 及 CO2 氣體濃度與民眾初始避難行為模式兩者之關聯性,本計畫將利用氣體偵測儀器 測量地下空間室內 CO 及 CO2氣體濃度,並再以文獻回顧、問卷調查、圖像 認知實驗、3D 電腦模擬實驗及人流實驗等方法,瞭解地下空間室內空氣品質 對於人員初始避難行為之影響,進而提出相關量化數據供主管機關訂定法規或 供作性能設計時之參考數據。更期望本計畫研究成果,能夠提升長時間於地下 空間活動民眾之逃生避難安全性。 Staying in underground space of bad indoor air quality for a long time, people will reduce action ability because of sucking the harmful gas(such as CO and CO2). When the fire accident happened, the dizzy people are difficult to react immediately. People could lose one's life because they lose the initial escaping golden time. So if people can effectively utilize the initial escaping golden time, it will improve the chance of success in escaping. There are a lot of medical reports or research results verified: when the gas of CO and CO2 is too heavy indoor, people will come out uncomfortable symptoms on body and brain in different degree, even cause to die. For the reason, people in underground space can utilize the initial escaping golden time; for the reason, the relation between the gas density of CO and CO2 in underground space indoor and people initial escaping behaviors model; this project will study the gas density of CO and CO2 in underground space indoor by MultiRAE IR. Meanwhile, for understanding the influence of indoor air quality on people initial escaping behaviors, there are a few methods in this project: literature reviewing, questionnaire investigation, experiment of picture cognitive, 3D computer simulation and experiment of people flowing. Therefore, to propose relevant quantization data for government stipulating the regulation or performance design is expectation of this research; to raise escaping safety of people in underground space for a long time even more.