濕靜能收支和粗濕穩定度近幾年被廣泛應用在解釋熱帶地區多重時間尺度氣候 變異物理機制上,包含季內震盪、季風、聖嬰/南方震盪、全球暖化等,也在氣候研 究學界獲致相當廣泛的迴響。由於現行估計粗濕穩定度方法未臻完善,雲頂效應成 為估計粗濕穩定度的主要變數,更別說當時缺乏高品質大氣網格點資料和衛星觀測 資料。我們認為有必要用新的觀測資料和較正確的計算方法,重新估計熱帶大氣粗 濕穩定度和粗濕分層度的時空分佈特徵,使它們能夠被更精確、更廣泛的應用在多 重尺度氣候變異的研究上。 In recent decades, the concept of moist static energy budget and gross moist stability has been widely used in elucidating tropical climate variability of various timescales, including Madden-Julian Oscillation, monsoon, El Nino/Southern Oscillation and global warming, and also provoked a broad range of response from the climate research community. Since the algorithm in calculating gross moist stability (M) is far from perfect in its original form, the estimation of M depends largely on the cloud-top effect, not to mention also the lack of high-quality atmospheric grid data and satellite observations. We believe that a reexamination of the gross moist stability, as well as the gross moisture stratification, based on new atmospheric data with a more precise algorithm is needed, such that they can be more precisely and comprehensively applied to the research of multiple-timescale climate variability.