大台北地區為台灣北部主要人口密集的地方,也是台灣重要的政治、經濟、貿易中 心。然而在大台北都會區的北邊有主要安山岩質大屯火山群包圍,過去大屯火山群被普 遍認定為休眠或不活躍的火山,但根據 Belousov et al., (2010)的研究指出大屯火山群中 Mt. Cising最近一次的噴發約在 6000年前;且台北都會區座落於盆地的構造上,容易因 人為超抽地下水或興建工程等因素致使盆地地層下陷;根據經濟部地質調查所公布最新 活動斷層資料顯示在台北盆地的西邊有一活動斷層---山腳斷層,由以上這些地質環境與 人為因素條件,地表變形的發生都將造成巨大的災害傷亡。因此現今對於台灣北部地區 地表變形的監測與調查是必要的工作。 傳統的大地測量方法需耗大量人力、時間和金錢,且獲得的資訊都是以點狀資訊為 主,因此,我們利用能有效獲取面狀資訊,不受氣候的因素和日夜的影響,且有著優異 的空間解析度(25公尺/像素)與量測精度(公分級以上),並可長時間監測地表變形資訊的 永久性散射體差分干涉技術(Persistent Scatterers Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar, PSInSAR),監測大台北地區近年來地表變形之情況,並進一步分析探討其地表變形的原 因,以提供未來工程建設與地質災害評估之參考。 The great Taipei metropolitan area not only one of the most densely populated regions in the northern part of Taiwan, also an important center of politics, economy, and trade. To its north, dominantly andesitic Tatun Volcanic Groups have been previously regarded as dormant/inactive volcanoes. Nevertheless, according to the study of Belousov et al., (2010), the latest eruption of Mt. Cising was approximately 6000 years ago. On the other hand, Taipei city has been built upon a basin. City construction and ground water pumping for various reasons will promote subsidence of the basin. To the west rim of the basin, there is an active fault-Sanchiao fault. Provided that one of the above-mentioned (volcanic eruption, basin subsidence or fault-activated earthquake) processes occurs, it is going to be devastating in Taiwan. In this project, one of the radar interferometry techniques, Persistent Scatterers Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR), is mainly used to monitor surface deformation/geologic hazard in the northern part of Taiwan.