摘要: | 會法第七條「強制入會」規定,存在我國實體法中有其當時制定之歷史背景及 使命,如今時過境遷社會更迭後,是否尚有存續之必要,乃至於與我國憲法第十五條所 揭櫫之工作權保障有無衝突,極有必要重新思考與審視。畢竟強制入會規定於實際運用 上,所牽涉到者為勞工消極團結權之自由是否有足夠的理由予以剝奪。且強制入會規定 在我國目前採取單一工會原則下,是否過度剝奪了勞工之積極團結自由。亦有必要隨同 檢討。 有關強制入會規定,在我國勞動法中不只工會法有其具體規定,團體協約法第十 四條明定勞資雙方得約定工會工廠條款(Union shop),工會得要求雇主所僱用之勞工在 一定時限內必須加入企業所屬工會,否則最嚴重情形可能喪失工作機會。此規定之實際 運用,可能比工會法第七條之強制入會規定,對於勞工團結權之影響更有過之而無不 及。畢竟工會法強制入會,雖有規定但並未設置罰則。然而一旦勞資雙方締結有Union shop之團結協約時,如果企業工會又被資方控制之御用工會時,則企業內勞工幾乎無路 可逃只能加入該工會。再者,在我國目前單一工會原則下,勞資雙方締結了Union shop 條款的話,等同於實質上剝奪了勞工所有的團結自由。筆者深深覺得團體協約法第十四 條工會工廠條款規定在實質運用上,有必要臻對齊合理性與有效性之認定基準予以建構 與判斷。 本研究案乃基於以上之念頭而擬定,期待透過本研究之成果,能提供給實務界一 套解決相關糾紛之參考,俾有利於勞資雙方和諧關係之發展,以及對我國勞動法學之研 究有助益。 It has been nearly 90 years since Labor Union Act in Taiwan has relevant provisions of compulsory union membership. Due to martial law has been chronically imposed in Taiwan, Trade unionism had been strictly restrained under most circumstances. The provisions of compulsory union membership were no more than symbolic appearance, only used to embellish the Right to Organize, and haven’t been slightly taken seriously in legal institution almost 100 years. After the abolishment of martial law, not only labor movements have been much more thriving then before, but the rights of labor have also been paid attentions. What the provisions of compulsory union membership involved, is not only whether the free rights of labor’s union being infringed, but it also progressively causing the problem of compulsory check-off made by both employers and labor unions to the involuntary labors. Furthermore, it is also necessary to research in depth about the provisions of compulsory union membership and single union status, connecting them with Article 15 of The Constitution of Taiwan, considering their applicability between the rights to work. These are highly related to the rights of multitudinous labors, certainly it would become issue concerned by the fields of academic, judicial operational, and labor-management groups. This research is going to be carried out begin with the link between compulsory union membership in Labor Union Act, Article 7, and the right to work ensured by Constitutional law. Secondly, the substantial legal effect of the provision about compulsory union membership for Union shop, stipulated in Collective Agreement Act, Article 14, will also be reviewed. |