二○一二年十一月二十九日,聯合國大會通過一一三一七號決議,將巴勒斯坦在聯合國 之地位從原本的觀察員提升為非會員觀察員國家。這是繼前一年申請加入聯合國成為正 式會員國功敗垂成之後,巴勒斯坦在外交上的一項成就。但當前巴勒斯坦爭取其國家地 位之行動並不盡然符合中東和平路徑圖之規劃,因根據該路徑圖,巴勒斯坦之獨立建國 須經由以巴間之協商,而此一協商已經在二○一○年中斷。前述決議同時呼籲以巴恢復 協商,顯示以巴之間就核心爭議問題〈如難民、邊界、耶路撒冷、屯墾區、安全等〉達 成協商,乃巴勒斯坦取得完全國家地位的必經之途。但巴勒斯坦當局試圖繞過此一協商 途徑,而以色列總理則以建造更多西岸屯墾區作為強烈反制,使得中東和平進程平添更 多障礙。此一研究計畫係就法律觀點,分析與巴勒斯坦國家地位相關之種種問題,包括 巴勒斯坦是否符合國際法上之國家構成要件,也同時深入探究二○一一年九月巴勒斯坦 請求加入聯合國成為會員國之入聯申請案以及二○一一年十月聯合國教科文組織所通 過之巴勒斯坦會員地位案。巴勒斯坦是否進一步運用國際刑事法庭作為對抗以色列之手 段,亦有待法律面之觀察。 The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Resolution 11317 on 29 November 2012, upgrading the status of Palestine in this international organization from an observer to a non-member observer state. This is a diplomatic achievement for Palestine, following the setback in the previous year for its application for membership in the United Nations. Arguably, the efforts of Palestine to obtain its statehood in the present stage are not entirely compatible with the Roadmap to mid-east peace. According to the Roadmap, the establishment of a Palestinian state requires Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, which have been suspended since 2010. The fact that Resolution 11317 also calls for the resumption of such negotiations reveals that an agreement on the core issues, such as refugees, borders, Jerusalem and settlements, is an inevitable route to a full-fledged independent Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority has ventured to bypass negotiations with Israel. The Prime Minister of Israel reacted strongly by ordering the construction of more settlements in the West Bank, thus creating more obstacles to the Mid-east peace process. It is proposed to analyze the relevant issues on the Palestinian statehood from a legal viewpoint. An assessment will be made on whether Palestine has met the criteria for establishing a state in international law. The Palestine’s application in September 2011 for membership in the United Nations, along with its admission to UNESCO as a full member in October 2011, will also be examined thoroughly. Further, it remains to be observed whether Palestine may use the International Criminal Court as a means to confront Israel.