本研究研究的焦點從一個新的視點來看商業空間中人們活動的現象,找出在市中心的暫 時性商業空間之建築外部空間與內部空間的行為設境(behavior setting)的關聯性。本研究 的重點在人們的行為之中,從商店、餐廳、攤販等外部空間的空間型態,藉由 Roger Barker(1903-1990)等研究者所建立的生態心理學(Ecological Psychology)的行為設境 (behavior setting)理論來分析與歸納。田野調查的地點有台灣台北市的師大商圈,日本福 岡市的西新商店街及韓國釜山的 B&C 商店街。第一部分的田野調查,是計畫於商店街 中觀察其每小時的實質空間的變化。第二部分的焦點放在,分析循環發生的行為活動於 人的五感刺激的分類項目。第三部分,將記錄每一個暫時性商業空間(商家、攤販、陳 列物),並且找尋活動行為和實質空間的關聯性。試圖了解並歸納出實質空間型態和消 費行為的關聯之於暫時性商業空間的重要性。從街道中的暫時性商業空間和行為設境的 變化中,試圖找出其人們的行為模式在時間和空間的連結性的重要性,希冀未來能提供 景觀建築與環境-行為(Environment-Behavior)研究上具參考的價值。 In this study, we focused on the phenomenon of the commercial space from a new perspective regarding the relationship between the outside behavior setting and the inside behavior setting at temporary commercial space in CBD (Central Business District). We focused on human behavior in outside spaces with the configuration of shops and restaurant and streets vendors by using “Ecological Psychology of Behavior Setting” theory developed by Roger Barker(1903-1990) and his collaborators. Fieldwork for this study are undertaken from Taipei City in Shida commercial area, Taiwan and Fukuoka City in Nishijinn Shopping Street, Japan and Busan City in B&C Shopping Street, Korea. The first part is the field survey and analysis of the temporary physical setting in the shopping street by hourly observation. The second part will focus on standing patterns to investigate the condition of synomorphs that are categorized by direct contact with stimulation on the five human senses. The third part will record each shops or stores’ temporary physical by using categorize of five human senses in this study. Understanding the relationship of physical settings and consumer behavior is important to understanding the temporary commercial space as a whole. The temporary commercial space and behavior settings change over on the street, and observing the connections between the units of the program and their occurrence in time and space will prove to be important in landscape architecture and Environment-Behavior search in the future.